MovieChat Forums > Knight Moves (1993) Discussion > The movie is good, but...

The movie is good, but...

It is exciting and it has an interesting ending, but many things were not explained. For instance, who won the tournament? And what about the shadow from that riddle? It is not mentioned in the movie anymore. And it has many factual errors. Peter recognized the opening by seeing only the white's moves, which is impossible to do. Grandmasters never say ''check'' while playing. And some of those checks are NOT checks. And what about that green light David used on his victims? It doesn't look like a camera flash to me .

Maybe the point of those mistakes was to make you think about the movie.


The shadow was the shadow of some castle or tower or what ever. The police just didnt know that there where two of them in this city, thatswhy they protected the wrong area.


green light? looked like a white camera flash to me!

the city map chess board made me laugh, bit of a stretch! and how the heck do the moves work on 8 squares with no pieces!?


It is polite to warn your opponent if your move puts his king under check. Of course, grandmasters would not have failed to notice that - but the same goes for serious players at all levels.

It is indeed possible to deduce what the opening is (though of course not with 100% accuracy) by looking only at White's moves, since the positions of White's pawns and pieces shed light on Black's position and previous responses. In any case, the position shown in the film - with White's pawns on d4 and e4, bishop on f4 and knight on c4 after four moves, does not correspond to any commonly played opening.

I agree that it is a disappointment that the film focused so much on the chess tournament but forgot about it at the end, not bothering even to show who won the tournament.
