MovieChat Forums > Juice (1992) Discussion > Why did they use Street Fighter 1 in thi...

Why did they use Street Fighter 1 in this film?

I always wondered why they used Street Fighter 1 in this movie instead of Street Fighter 2? Street Figher came out in 1987 and Street Fighter 2 came out in1991 prolly around the time the movie was being filmed. It was an extremely popular game when it came out. I don't remember SF1 every being nearly as popular. I don't know maybe it would have been too expensive for them to feature it in the movie.


film was probably made before street fighter 2, and street fighter 1 was huge for nyc urban cats...this movie is primarily speaking to that audience...


I never played Street Fighter 1 nor did i ever see an arcade console in the city during that time.



It was a local arcade from the 80's, I doubt they update video games that quickly. Even the pool table looks like it's from the 80's.

"Remember when I promised to kill you last?"



Street fighter 2 did not hit arcades until March of 1991, but as someone already stated, the arcade was in the gutter of Brooklyn, I doubt the pool hall was up to date on the state of the art aracde games.


Alot of Old School games stayed in the small type neightborhood places for a long time.

"Lemme at 'em! I'll splat 'em!"


Hell, the laundry mat across the street from my house has PAC-MAN! In 2014.


Thats the first and only time i ever saw sf1.


The above posts make some good points. It's also possible that SF1 is what the director and his friends used to play themselves, so they put it in for the nostalgia factor.

Oh yes it's Laaarry Holmes/and the feeelin's right/Oh yes it's Laaarry Holmes/what a fight
