MovieChat Forums > Juice (1992) Discussion > your favorite part...

your favorite part...

everyone list their favorite part, I got 2 favorite parts:

1) When Pac shoots the hell outta that Punk Radames

2) When Steel gets up after taking a bullet and lives, I wanted Steel to live, good thing they didnt kill him.


the last time you said that i was kinda trippin. but u know what? i am crazy. and you know what else? i dont give a fffuucckk. i dont give a fffuucckk about you, i dont give a fffuucckk about steele, i dont give a fffuucckk about rahmeem, i dont even give a fffuucckk about myself. i aint sshhiitt. and you less of a man than i am. so when i decided you aint gone be sshhiitt no more (pow) so be it, POTNA.



One of my favorite parts was when Q's girl's ex was hating. "What are you laughin at ya chain snatcher?!..." That guy was a square. I also love the part where Blizz was holding up the store. "Everybody get butt-naked!".


yeah the blizzard part was so funny, "dont look at me goddamn it" "aight everybody strip, take ya *beep* clothes off, hurry up goddamn it, u look good". The guy bishop smokes sayin ill shoot your pee pee off makes me laugh everytime


I'm sorry but to this very day, the actor who played Blizzard reminds me of Will Smith.

I have yet to think of a signature. When I finally do, I'll include it.


WOW!! I thought I was the only one I swore for years that was Will lol!


There was once scene that I totally forgot about after watching this for 20+ years. Raheem (sp?) and this other guy are just shooting the s#it, the conversion is just ordinary, almost dull and WHAM, suddenly his friend is holding a shotgun.


that guy that was the ex husband, he was part of the "crew" in school daze.


Yep! Same person. He was also in Malcolm X.

I have yet to think of a signature. When I finally do, I'll include it.


"Don't you get tired of this s***? What the *beep* you want from me??"

Laugh riot.

-- I agree!

Definately the best scene is Radames + gang and Bishop outside the arcade. So freakin' intense.
[i]'Ever see Chinatown, *beep* < I finally did see Chinatown and what he said all became so clear to me.

'Now thats a spicy-a-meatball.'


1. When Steel lives, I loved his chubby butt (at least I hoped he survived, some people die in the hospital)

2. The Locker scene, Tupac scared the sh it out of me

3. The Blizzard hold up scene, that was the funniest holdup in movie history


1) Tupac bugging out at the school.

2) When they were stealing records from the store. Q was so hot.


locker scene gives me chills


Oh man,
My all-time favorite scene is the one with that moustached dad..
One of the main characters (it's been a long time since I saw it)
is going to some girl's place and this pops answers;
he literally thrusts the door open at 100mph and flies out of the apartment, in the character's face and yells: "WHAT?!" :)


My two favorite parts:

1)Q: You're trying to tell me I ain't sh!t.
Bishop: I'll tell your own mama you ain't sh!t.

2) After Steele gets shot they show his bloody hand grasping for the fence letting us know that he's alive.


so many to choose from.
queen latifah & flex's argument"*beep* is wrong with my mix?"
when they're waiting for steel outside the school"fat ass steel is stuck in school again again""he's a fat *beep*
"well well looka here...hey get the *beep* outta here!"


My favorite part is when Steele is getting ready in the morning to supposedly go to school and he is beat boxing while getting dressed and he holds up the candy bar while doing some little dance. That just cracks me up

My other favorite part is when Bishop gets no love from Q when he gets caught out there by Radames' crew. Tupac is all smiling because he thinks his boys are going to help him out of a bad situation as usual but they dont HA HA



Let's see here...

Steel cooking making some egg and ham catastrophe and putting beer in it. "Gotta get it right buddy" and Bishop saying, "I'm too hungry to throw this away."
Q thinking the girl in the record store is hot until she turns around. His face is priceless. Her name was "Juaniqua Ross".
Q going back to school, dusting off his books, and Bishop appearing next to his locker.
Bishop going off about how powerless his crew is at Steel's house.
Q's older woman's ex-hubby bursting out of the front door, "WHAT?!"
Blizzard robbing the store. Me and my sister used to say, "STRIP!" just like him.
Radamez..."Naw punk, you da one got it wrong". He just sounds funny when he says it.
Bishop lying to the cops in the interrigation room. Tupac was so talented.
Also, Bishop coldly lying to Raheem's mother after the funeral. That was so wrong.
Flex saying that Q looked like Gumby. Hahahaha... he did.


Q "I'm here to get some protection"
Sweets "How much you got?"
Q "I've got 25."
Sweets "Damn baby, you can't buy a sling shot for 25!"

"Just because you pour syrup on sh!t don't make it pancakes"

"Riverside Mutha F@$#%R!"


1) When Steele bragged he was doing the Hoochie Coochie with Donna Bromwell...
then its established that Donna Bromwell was actually "DONALD BROMWELL"

2)When its established that Bishop's dad likes being a PRISON YARD HO!

3)Steele shoplifting records at the record store I think that one of the records was URIQUITY STARBOOTY!

4) Steele Cooking bacon eggs and hot sauce....damn steele what the *beep* is this mess?

5) The Fresh Prince of Bel-AIR holding up a bar and ordering everyone to strip 'cause you look good!

6)Why does he get to hold the gun...Bishop replying 'cause I already got it *beep* hilarious.
