Jason Weaver music video from the Jacksons: An American Dream soundtrack
Can someone please help me find a video from the soundtrack of "The Jacksons : An american dream". I had never seen this video until tonight when they were showing MJ vids on VH1 soul. It was a video with Jason Weaver singing "Who's lovin' you" by MJ, then they'd show clips of Jason from the movie then they'd show clips of the real MJ and the Jackson 5 then they'd go back to showing Jason (he was a teenager) then they'd show clips from the movie again. Like I said I'd never seen this video b4 until tonight and I've seen the movie "The Jacksons:An American Dream" over a million times since I was 6 yrs old back in 1992. If anyone knows what I'm talking about can you please post a link to this video. Sorry if this message sounds kind of confusing, but I'm explaining it the best I can. Idk why I'd never seen the video until tonight.