MovieChat Forums > The Jacksons: An American Dream (1992) Discussion > What made Michael go a different way?

What made Michael go a different way?

I have always wondered this..the rest of the kids seem so much more "normal" in adult life than Michael. I know he was robbed of his childhood but it seem so was Janet and Randy..they were young too when they got into show biz. Why was it only Michael that seemed obsessed with so many strange things (chimps, wearing masks, plastic surgery, etc)? Where do you think things started going awry with Michael? I keep thinking maybe it was after all of the fame of Thriller..not sure.

On another note, from the movie, it does seem that the mother really loved all of her children and Joseph was a P.O.S. I mean all the kids called him Joseph. Strange. It's his fault that Michael became the strange being that he was.


LaToya was weird for awhile as well. I think The Jackson's are considered slightly eccentric but not as much. Plus Michael is the one who got most of the attention while the rest of them have been largely forgotten. But Janet and Randy did not have as much pressure as Michael did even though they started around the same age as him. Michael was essentially the reason they were so successful and he had to keep that up, also there have been a lot of people mentioning that he was sensitive and when he started to grow out of the cute stage and people's responses to him growing up really affected him.

RIP Michael Jackson, I Miss U


I absolutely agree!!!


Nicholaevna already mentioned LaToya. She was really out there back in the day. But there's also Randy, who abused his first wife and spent time at a mental asylum. Jackie, Tito and Jermaine have also done questionable things. Jermaine especially managed to both have a child with another women, while he still was married to Hazel Gordy, AND have a child with Randy's ex-wife. And even Janet has had her scandals. Boobygate, anyone? The only two siblings, who seem to be "normal", are Rebbie and Marlon.

It's just that most of the other Jacksons aren't famous enough on their own to end up in the tabloids. And we must also remember, that Michael was the most sensitive of the brothers, plus that he had the most pressure on him. He was bound to take it the hardest.

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Because while the rest of the family is talented, Michael was a genius. Geniuses are abnormal, socially maladjusted, sensitive, mentally imbalanced, often depressed and/or withdrawn from society. Study up on any of the great artists or scientists of history. They are ALL 'mad' to a very large degree. Michael fits into this category. Geniuses aren't really meant to be understood because we don't have the capacity to understand them. We will never grasp just who he was as a man, we can only marvel at who he was.


I agree totally.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Because while the rest of the family is talented, Michael was a genius. Geniuses are abnormal, socially maladjusted, sensitive, mentally imbalanced, often depressed and/or withdrawn from society. Study up on any of the great artists or scientists of history. They are ALL 'mad' to a very large degree. Michael fits into this category. Geniuses aren't really meant to be understood because we don't have the capacity to understand them. We will never grasp just who he was as a man, we can only marvel at who he was.


But anyway, as others have pointed out, his brotehrs and sisters have had their problems as well.

"The Love you take is equal to the Love you make" The Beatles.


Randy was in an asylum? Dang never heard that. I knew he beat one of his wives. And Jermaine is just trying to spred his sperm all over the world.

RIP Michael Jackson, I Miss U


Well, I read somewhere once, that Randy was in asylum. I hope it's true, since I've written it all over the internet.

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LOL! You read somewhere that he was in an asylum (which could have been from a tabloid) and you spread it all over the internet and now you're wondering if it's true or not?

Never underestimate the genius of Michael Jackson, my sweet angelic warrior!


I read it on the internet, so it wasn't a tabloid. I don't know exactly where on the internet it was though.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Tabloids are on the internet too. Anyways, I'm not trying to pick on you. I wouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. The asylum for Randy sounds iffy. I also heard about Randy being kidnapped in Columbia (his ex wife's family involved). The person that told me this really believed it because they read it on the internet. Now that was really off the wall tabloid. :)

Never underestimate the genius of Michael Jackson, my sweet angelic warrior!


Off the wall...I see what you did there... ;)



They're both half-siblings and cousins. But since half-sibling is a closer relation than cousin, I guess it's half-sibling. But yes, it seems a bit incestous to me as well.

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Make no mistake, kids with bad childhoods will suffer the consequences regardless of if people realize them or not. They will have severe repercussions from it. It's funn I hear all the time people say, "I grew up in a bad childhood but I never killed anyone" as if that's the only bad thing someone can do. Their are many ways that people act out and release their anger upon others.

The human mind in this society can only take so much pain. It will find ways to release that somehow and unless they go thru years of therapy and reversing what they learned, it's going to a brunt on others one way or another. Whether it's mentally abusing others by yelling at people constantly, or keeping it inside and then drinking regularly. It might be that the treat people like crap all the time. Or they may be physical bullies. One way or another it's coming out. It can't be totally repressed.

I've had friends that said the ole, "I had a bad childhood and I'm alright" while I sit there thinking, yeah your just an a-hole to almost everyone and everything gets you pissed off. An old lady drives slow in front of you and your going road rage acting as if your ready to shoot her. When I drive and someoen makes a mistake, I say hey it's okay no biggie we all make mistakes. No damage done.



Interesting that Michael was such a fan of Peter Pan. The original Peter Pan only originally wanted to be a boy forever, he later tried to return home. Peter parents completey forgot there son and ignored him as he cried/begged to be let back home. So I can see how Michael who particulary felt unloved by his father and often lonely would relate to the character beyond never growing up. And Peter Pan also tends to yell and get angry at the lost boys, and acts out violently against adults, namely pirates. So I can see despite the differences bet. Michael and his ficional hero how he could relate to such a character in more ways then one. Especially given how the last poster mentioned how people be it child or adult can act when there lives are defined by bad childhoods.


I do believe that MJ was a lot like Peter Pan, by that I mean Peter Pan's personality/aura. Read the book that Barrie wrote, he inscribed his play into written form & Pan in the book is not the same Pan in Disney. MJ was a voracious reader, he most assuredly read the book & I think MJ was more like Pan in the book than Pan w/in Disney cartoons. MJ had an ability to attract all types of people w/ his charm & genius, & they all fell hard for him but when he grows tired of you or you cross a line, you're out, ie. LMP. Read & watch her interviews after 00s, she was a bitter woman scorned taking potshots at him & seeking out his detractors for interviews, calling his trial a 'blessing' & such. She had a 2 year physical/mental breakdown after their divorce & spent the next 2 years after that pursuing him to no avail, until a particular turning point was reached when she became bitter over him. She left her 1st husband for MJ & divorced Nick Cage due to MJ. Remind you of anyone, Wendy perhaps?



Wait a minute... Are you implying, that Michael mistreated Lisa Marie?

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Nope, did Pan mistreat Wendy? I'm saying that when she lied about having kids w/ him, he was through w/ her. That like Peter Pan, MJ just moves on & leaves her behind. That like Wendy in a way, she was trying to get him back, catching up to him, trying to make up to him but it was too late, she was over & done w/ as a lover.



Okay... Now I understand you better.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Things never went awry with Michael, they went awry with media coverage of every and anything they could find about Michael. All that negative press is bound to have its effects on soul, as they tried to diminish his image and slander his character before his truly erratic behavior. And he was still making music till the day he died. Obviously there was more pressure on Michael than the other siblings to be a star, because of his immense talent, creativity and ideas. Michael wasn't obsessed with anything except MUSIC, and any other element that you have ever heard of besides THE MUSIC was simply him channeling his own personal space, identity and individuality. Imagine how uncreative his videos and performance would be had he not had the tastes that he did. Besides, Michael is not the first person to ever want a chimp as a pet or have his own amusement park. Michael's insecurity about his nose and other features led to his plastic surgery episodes, much like any person who gets their nose done, boob job, face lift or nip/tuck. Of course those people are not strange to you, only Michael Jackson. The masks were a product of TOO MUCH FAME, much like the celebrities who wear hoods or sunglasses. They are not strange to you either, only Michael. People like yourself will only see the facade of Michael Jackson, judge and call him strange, rather than accept his originality as something that derived out of his creativity.

On another note, you may or may not be malicious in your sentiment, but at least respect the man as an amazing musician and innovative performer before you bring up his 'normalcy' and using dismissive terms like strange.

"Remember when I promised to kill you last?"



He said a number of times that he was a perfectionist--

I read somewhere that Virgos tend to be perfectionists. Michael was a Virgo, so I could see that in him.


I'm not a doctor but I think Michael had some personality disorder.


I agree. I think he may have had Asperger's which isn't really a mental illness but it's something that some people with quirks have and most of them tend to be very intelligent and talented at something.


Maybe not Asperger's, but... who knows? But really now, Michael was simply Michael. And I'm tired of people complaining about how "weird" he was. It's like other celebrities can do whatever they like, and no one says anything negative about it, but people always complained about whatever Michael did.

Intelligence and purity.


That's true. It's like people always had something negative or harsh to say about Michael and how he was. And to think he must've been suffering severely on the inside.


Some people on the Michael Jackson IMDB board thought his father sexually abused him as a child but who knows.


He was forever trying to get his father to put him into the group. His father kept on pushing him away saying "You're too little"

Meanwhile he was the only one who had any sort of talent (Marlon couldn't do a turn even if he sold his soul to the devil)

When he was finally put into the group, they became "famous" gradually because of Michael. The more famous they got the more gigs they got. The more gigs they got the more money they got. The more they got, the less time they had to spend on being a child.

The chimps/other animals are a result of him being an adult throughout his childhood so now he has enough money to do whatever he wants, he wants to surround himself with all the things he "thinks" will make him happy.

The plastic surgery... His father was the biggest anti african american person ever. He was always putting the kids down on their looks and their skin tone. You are too black, your nose is too broad... Michael had this really unnatural need to please his father and he, deep down, decided that it was better to be white.

Yeah it was his father's initial fault but his mother did him (or anyone else for that matter) no favors when she wouldn't leave the dickhead. She would yell scream and cry whenever he would be on the warpath the whole time saying "No Maw Joe Jackson!!" But the only way to prove that she wanted no more is to get herself and the kids out of that environment and go to the police.

Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!Basil Fawlty


Spot on, deem714. Plus, if Joe hadn't made Michael do that infamous Pepsi commercial where his hair/head caught on fire while shooting it to which he had to be on pain killers & prescription pills for his injuries that lead to his heavy addiction to all kinds of medication that basically was one of the reasons why he eventually died, perhaps Michael still would've be alive. Perhaps. One more thing, that Jackson Family incident concerning with Michael's three kids that happened last summer confirmed the severe dysfunction and insanity in that family. It's no wonder Michael was so deeply troubled and felt lonely.


Michael had this really unnatural need to please his father and he, deep down, decided that it was better to be white.

Decided? Hello! He had vitiligo!

Intelligence and purity.


Actress Susan Olsen was acquaintances with Michael Jackson. Olsen played Cindy on "The Brady Bunch". She said when she knew Michael back in the '70s and he was very real and down to earth. Michael was friends with the late Freddie Mercery from the band Queen. When asked about drifting apart from Michael, Mercury said Michael became very strange after "Thriller". Michael had been famous since he was a child. But superstardom as an adult solo artist blew that away and must have been a lot to deal with.


Looking at this movie and just saw this post. I have always felt it was something Quincy Jones did. Shoot me for saying this. But I see singers like Tevin Campbell and El Debarge after leaving his tutelage acting like Michael. Not a coincidence to me. The man use to beat his wife so who knows what the heck he did to those boys.


I heard Quincy was bi. Did he like young boys?


I don't know what he liked but when he was finished with those 3 singers they were never the same.


Michael didn't meet Quincy until he was twenty years old though.

Intelligence and purity.


And that is when he really started acting odd.

