I like Joseph Jackson

We need more Black fathers like joseph jackson. Ask any mayor in any american big city where young black men roam the streets. Any mayor who is honest would tell you that if the inner city had a 1000 Black fathers like Joseph jackson the streets would be a lot safer. Joseph Jackson would put these young thugs and hoodlums in their PLACE!


yes and beat his own children while he's at it


I don't understand your reasoning. Violence is not the answer to those problems. I actually see more bad than good with spanking. It can so easily turn into abuse, like it did with Joseph Jackson.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


I agree that most parents nowadays don't discipline their children enough, but I wouldn't want fathers to be just like Joe Jackson. He was too hard on his kids, and prevented his kids from having any fun. Michael and even Janet said that he wanted it his way, good enough wasn't an option. He even wanted his kids to call him "Joseph" and not "father" or "dad." He put waaaay too much pressure on his kids.

I James McAvoy


Also, I've noticed most people whose parents were like Joe Jackson end up becoming the wild, out-of-control adults the second they taste adulthood. That's just as true as people whose parents were TOO lenient on them as kids.

If I had a father like Joe Jackson, I would cut off ALL contact with him when I became an adult.


Yeah well you're the only one.

I'll Shout It Everywhere I go, I Love You Barry Manilow!

RIP The King Of Pop


I agree with your statement 100%. I know from personal experience that some kids still end up in jail despite being raised and reared by parents who were strict disciplinarians. I've hit and spanked kids myself and some of them still got locked up when they got older. Jail itself was like a "spanking" and their behavior got much better after they got out. It all depends on the individual kid. Some kids turn out all right after a good spanking and some don't.


I don't approve of abuse either, but spanking is another matter. IDK, seeing American aggression, disrespect for their elders/authority, & a lack of common decency, I think you guys need to incorporate spanking back into your society. Ever wonder why the world has a strong distaste for crude, loud/dirty-mouthed, disrespectful Americans? Sadly this is the image you carry around the world, American tourists are by far the rudest people I have ever encountered tbh.

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I don't approve of abuse either, but spanking is another matter. IDK, seeing American aggression, disrespect for their elders/authority, & a lack of common decency, I think you guys need to incorporate spanking back into your society. Ever wonder why the world has a strong distaste for crude, loud/dirty-mouthed, disrespectful Americans? Sadly this is the image you carry around the world, American tourists are by far the rudest people I have ever encountered tbh.

Like I said earlier in this thread, spanking is not the answer to anything. I come from Sweden, which was the first country in the world to ban spanking back in 1979. And even though I'm very conservative for being a young Swedish woman (most other people in Sweden today, especially young people and women, are liberals or socialists), I agree with the non-tolerance for spanking, as spanking easily can become abuse. Spanking has been taboo in Sweden during my whole lifetime (I was born in 1984, five years after the ban). My father would hit me some times, but I soon understood, that it wasn't the norm. And thirty years after the ban, we're doing perfectly fine. We've learned how to disciplin kids wihtout hurting them physically.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Well, that explains it, I'm from Asia & I believe in spanking. Watching Asian films you'll get same insight to what I mean. You live in a very comfortable & privilege society where nothing creases your brow, or those that crease it is not comparable to what creases ours. I have a cousin who lives there & boy, are his values vastly different from ours, he's quite rude. Not saying that you guys are rude but respect is very important for us, it reaches to the highest levels of our society down to the lowest. Our culture & language is inherently about respect & how to give respect.

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Vicky, what part of Asia are you from? I've lived in both South Korea and Japan, and I believe that nowadays their kids are becoming just as bad if not WORSE than American kids. In those countries, parents and teachers USED to beat kids alot, but not these days. In fact, many parents complain to the school boards if teachers even scold their kids. It's worse than the U.S. now. Not only do they not use any corporal punishment, but they don't use any punishment at all. At least in the U.S. many parents still do timeouts and groundings and schools still used detentions. You seem to have this idea of Americans and American kids being the rudest in the world-when you're country and other places (Europe) have people who are just as rude, if not ruder!

Actually, a lot of Asian old people are rude too. They think their age gives them some kind of entitlement so they act arrogant, controlling, pushy, and condescending towards younger people. Most people don't argue with them because they've been taught to respect the elderly. But there were times when I hated how the elderly around me acted that I just wanted to yell at them!


You hit the nail right on the head. I respect the elders who are worthy of it because a lot of them are complete a-holes lucky enough to grow old. Take my family ... please. I had a great-uncle who screwed more people than the government. And he took every opportunity to tell me I was a bum for stupid infractions like not wearing socks during the summer, not wearing a watch and not shaving everyday. I don't think he really retired to Florida. I think he went there because he was wanted in other states for fraud. I have another uncle who never shuts up. His basic rap is three parts. He will tell anyone who will listen : 1.) Everything was great back in the day. 2.) Everything now sucks. 3.) He has always been perfect. He neglects to mention that he was dishonorably discharged from the army and acting like a douche bag probably cost him the opportunity for a professional baseball career.

Getting back on topic to Joe Jackson, it is easy to judge someone decades after the fact. I think Joe was overly aggressive even by the standards of that time. I think parents of larger families tend to use more discipline. But that does not excuse abuse.


I think you guys need to incorporate spanking back into your society.

Spanking still exists in America today (I'm from America); it's just not as popular or often used as it used to be back in the 50's & 60's.


It does but it's illegal, banned. American society scares me somewhat, not only the medialoid/tabloid/celebrity/sex/me me me obsessed society but it also seems everyone sues someone for something. I've heard such overblown cases where Child Welfare try to destroy families for the most trivial of things, ie. MJ & the child dangling in Germany, according to an article I read, if he had done that in the US, they would've taken his kids away from him. WOW! & American society find MJ weird?

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It does but it's illegal, banned.

No, it's not. Spanking IS legal in the US.

Depending on where you live in the US, corporal punishment still exists in schools. I think about just over half the states have corporal punishment in their public school system. How that rule works is different in each public school system.


Aaaahhh, I didn't know that, thanks. I actually don't agree w/ corporal punishments in schools, but I do think teachers should be stricter & more mindful about the bullying incidents that I see often portrayed in the media.

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That's OK. You didn't know.

Hey, you said in another post on here that you're from Asia. Which part?


I've heard such overblown cases where Child Welfare try to destroy families for the most trivial of things, ie. MJ & the child dangling in Germany, according to an article I read, if he had done that in the US, they would've taken his kids away from him. WOW! & American society find MJ weird?

That baby-dangling incident was so blown out of proportion. If someone else, even another celebrity, had done the same thing, no one would have remembered it even two weeks afterwards. But just because it was Michael, who had done it, people bitched about it for years. They went on as if Michael hadn't only shown Blanket to the fans from a balcony, but as if he had thrown him right down to the ground and killed him.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


I'm not really sure where you get your information but most Child Welfare cases work at placing children in their biological homes. This does not mean that children are removed from their parents at times, but in most cases, the parent is required to get councelling (as well as the child(ren)) or training, and then the child(ren) are placed back with the parents.

In the case of MJ, his child MAY have been removed pending a psychiatric evaluation, but that is also considering his erratic behaviour around the same time.


It was an article I read but I can't find it now.

I rest my case.

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I don't know were You live, but spankings do more good and stops the bad were I'm at. There is nothing wrong with spanking Your children, as long as it's done in the right manner. Joe was just insane and took His beatings entirely to far.


I think the OP us reffering to his work ethics. Joe Jackson worked long hour in a factory spending blood sweat and tears to take care of his large familĂ˝. No complaints. No days off. Just doing what a man is supposed to do. A product of his time. He used corporeal punishment and toughness that was needed to face the harsh realities of life. The problem is that, he didn't know how to temper it.
His intenentions were good, but his methods were not.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


He also concentrated so much on their careers that he didnt seem to approve of any of the kids girlfriends, boyfriends or marriages. He didnt approve of Rebbie's, Tito's or Jermaines (even though he married Barry Gordy's Daughter) and at their weddings in the movie at least he was an ass, unapproving and stating that this is a bad idea. HOw can all of his childrens marriages be bad. I mean they have to have lives and wives and children. Dont they deserve it as much as he himself did. He was very self centered in that respect but i do agree that he did have a drive to get them in the business and his disipline with the dance move I think really paid off when you see them perform live in front of audiences. He is responsible for their start but he was wrong in how he handled the other disipline and pushing his children away because of over doing it.


I think the reason Joe didn't approve of any of his kids' girlfriends or boyfriends is that he wanted to have total control of them throughout their entire lives. I think it was more than just Rebbie being the oldest child, or DeeDee being Hispanic, or Hazel being Barry Gordy's girl. As their father, he has the right to control EVERY aspect of their lives. That is true when they were children, but not the case when they became adults.

One thing he couldn't control is their rebellion, which is something all kids, to a degree, will do (no matter how strict the parents are). To them, getting married was a way of rebelling against him. It was also the only way out of his house & away from Joe's control (just like Tito said in the movie).


Joe Jackson gave Michael the foundation for having a successful musical career. However, after Michael fired his dad as manager in 1979,it was Michael who took it upon himself to become "The King of Pop" that put out an album(Thriller) which outsold any record put out by Elvis and The Beatles.


Did it ever occur to you that most violent men became the way that they became because they were raised Joe Jackson style?


Good point. But keep in mind, there are people who were raised Joe Jackson style & still became productive citizens in society and there are people who weren't raised that way and became violent adults. What about them?


That's not true. Perhaps you need to read books by Geoffrey Canada, who is an expert of violent crime in the Black community. And as for successful adults who were raised Joe Jackson style; Oprah Winfrey was one of those adults who was not only beaten but was raped and violated in her girlhood. So what does that mean then, that all people who were raped in childhood will become productive adults and therefore child rape/molestation is a good thing? Take note Oprah Winfrey is adamantly opposed to corporal punishment.


No, of course not.

When it comes to productive adults who were raised that way, take Charlize Theron for example. I read somewhere a few years ago that her mother used to spank her as a child. She even said she used a wire hanger. She grew up and became a successful Oscar-winning actress. She also THANKS her mother for raising her that way and SUPPORTS spanking as a form of discipline.

I don't support corporal punishment (ESPECIALLY the Joe Jackson style). I AM pro-discipline.



Yes, she did. But I read that he was an alcoholic & abusive to both her and Charlize. He tried to attack them and she (the mom) shot him. She told the cops what happened and why she killed him; the cops never arrested her. In my opinion, killing someone out of self-defense isn't murder. If you're being attacked and killing your attacker is the only way you can defend yourself, then so be it.


Listen I don't agree w/ Joe Jackson's style of discipline.

But are you seriously putting Joe Jackson as a father in the same category as Oprah's father who raped her?

Your overdoing it & not seeing Joe Jackson in proper context.

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If you take a psychology course you realize how incorrect these types of arguements are. If you take the entire population there will be children that are beaten, abused or neglected and grow up fine. Are stable and productive members of society. But the MAJORITY of people raised being abused will not be. There are more likely to become violent individuals. Doesn't mean they will be.

Its like saying that I know 4 people who have smoke 2 packs a day for 30 years who do not have lung cancer, therefore smoking does not contribute to the development of lung cancer.


I'm also more talented than every Jackson member combined, Michael included.

I doubt that's true because I'm sure we would've heard of you by now if you were such a genius. So you're calling yourself a genius then that people like Sinatra, Astaire, Gene Kelly, Hepburn, Scorsese, De Niro, & more were in awe of?

Joe Jackson used to oil MJ up naked & whipped him w/ an iron chord. Bad enough for ya?

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