TV Fiction? Documentary about alien house invasion in the 1990s?
Im trying to find information on a television show ( I think it was a one off or special) that was aired prime time in the late 80s or early 90s that was aired as if it might be real footage (much like Alien Autopsy) but it was pretty clearly a fictionalized account of a group of people in a house being attacked by aliens.
First they see something land outside there house, they go outside but get frightened by lights and weird stuff and run inside (a cameraman is capturing the whole thing as if it is really happening like cloverfield or whatever) and then the aliens start pounding on the walls and trying to come in or do? and I dont remember the last bit but its been haunting me ever since and seeing all of these sort of "found footage documentaries" on the screen (paranormal activity, etc) has me very interested in tracking this little gem down.
Does anyone remember this?