can someone describe the 'boy in the valley scene' for me?
thank you
I have always remembered that scene.
"Don't worry, I'm a gun club member, I'm taking these rookies downtown".
I'm trying to find the scene, but I can't. Can you please provide a link? It's the scariest scene I've watched. Of course I remember it from when I was a child, like many of the other posters in this board.
''can someone describe the 'boy in the valley scene' for me?''
Messed up. Chilling and way too quick. That film had some vicious editing, LOL!
two girls playing there and they see a boy watching them. the gils see him and he leaves and the girls fallow, they are running to catch up with him then they see him stopped in front of a disc, ufo, then he turnes around and then you can see that he's a half breed, half human and half alien. hope this helps at least i think this is what you were asking about.
Poop-inducing. I'm serious. Scars the crap out of me!