All my life I was able to deal with movies very well. I knew it's just a movie and it was alright with me.
But when I first watched this one here in 1993 at the age of 11, nights of nightmares and fear followed. Every little noise made me believe there was a gray coming through the wall. Or these guys without faces entering the house in this cold blue light...scary as hell!
A couple of nights I could only sleep with the lights turned on. No other movie has scared me this much again.
This was scary in places, but Alien Abduction: Incident In Lake County is 10 times as scary. Think Blair Witch meets Intruders. It made my spine tingle for an hour after watching it.
Geez so I wasn't the only one! I think I was about 5 when I first saw this (I clearly remember being in kindergarten) and that scene with the alien-faced kid still gives me a hard time. I wonder what was on my parents' mind that made them make me, their 5 year-old daughter watch this film in the first place?
wow i thought i was the only one who had this happen to me, i was messed up for years after seeing this [age 6] for a while i had to sleep on the sofa while my parents where downstairs because i was that scared to go to bed and i would go insane and freak out and start screaming if i seen a pic of grey in a magazine or on tv and i was like this for years. i still have a fear of eyes just because of this movie, its so bad its the only reason why i hate spiders as they have these big black eyes and it terrifies me. only recently ive been able to look at a pic of a grey without freaking out.
Since I was a kid in the 1980s, abductions or any story about ETs visiting Earth attracted my attention at the same that made me scared of death. I watched "documentaries" and films even knowing that I'd have scary nights later. In the night, I also scared any type of noise as well I had a horrible felling that something (somebody?) was watching me. I was 14 in 1992, but still the film scared me.
It's funny because Sci-fi films like Star Wars or Star Trek and even 80s horror films didn't have any impact over me. They were pure fantasy while abductions were "real".
I saw this movie when I was 11 aswell (like most of you here). It KILLED ME! Especially considering that at that age I was starting to get on the whole UFO scene. I still do see it once per year...and it ruins me. I can`t see it all by myself. It has to be someone next to me. I`m a horror movie fan and I have yet to witness anything NEAR as frightening as this one. And it`s based on true events. Please check Intruders book by late Mr. Budd Hopkins. It`s all true (well at least I believe it:). Give it a shot , and anything by John E. Mack. You actually have a woman which had all those things happening to her as in the movie. Al tho things in the movie happened to couple of peoples... I say Movie = scarry as #*$%! Book? Even more scary. ps. feels good to see I`m not the only one who almost died from horror when watching this one.
I cant believe someone else feels that way. I saw it when I was seven and until i got married i couldnt sleep alone in the dark without a light on somewhere. Even then I still have to be facing or door or window, just to brace myself. No other movie scared me for this long like Intruders.
I remember sitting at my computer (Commodore 64) in my bedroom.. I was 12 years old... I had this movie playing in the background on my tube TV at the time.. I wasn't really paying attention to it.. but for some reason I turned to watch the scene with the kid and when he turned around I was literally stunned for a few moments..
That part of my life can't be unforgotten.. Much like when I saw Michael Jackson's Thriller music video unveiling even much younger, I was literally freaked out and ghost-white according to my mother after seeing that..
Anyways, so glad I finally figured out where that scene that scared me so bad came from and that I wasn't the only kid around at the time that had this experience.
I vaguely remember this movie. Seems like I remember a kid being in the woods or around some trees and his head turns all the way around really fast... I was like, 5 when I watched it. I know it gave me nightmares for the longest, though. Was there parts where people's skin was being cut into with alien instruments?
Anyone know where I can watch this now??
A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
This movie scared me as a kid as well. I think there was a scene where an alien put something up this kid's nose? I just remember trying to sleep with my nose covered at night, lol.