Piperson wrote: I just watched this again and when Bast can't catch up with Helen after she has taken his umbrella from the music hall I just keep thinking "ineffectual twit".
When watching the film recently that also did not make sense to me, but then I came up with an explanation. I think that he intentionally keeps his distance from her because for a stranger to intentionally approach a woman on the street without her leave would have been seen as presumptuous and a major lapse in manners. It might also have something to do with the fact that he was of the working class so that he knew she was his "superior". He kept trying to get her attention by calling, "Miss!" so that she would stop, turn around, and acknowledge him, thus allowing him to approach her. You should note also that when he got to her home, he did not even go and knock or ring the bell, he simply waiting outside hoping she would spot him.
I consider this seemingly minor detail more significant because the film focuses a great deal on the theme of the class system and the unbridgeable gaps it causes between people. Later in the film, after Leonard comes to know Helen, he dreams about the first meeting at the "Music and Meaning" lecture and how he is chasing after her in the rain. The dream changed what actually happened because, in it, the gait was closed TO HIM and he was unable to go any further towards her.