Jacky Bast - Prostitute or Floozy?
I love this movie, and have seen it many times. I've just started reading the book, so haven't gotten that far in, and I'm not sure if Jacky's story is further addressed.
Jacky doesn't have much a back story in the movie. We know that Henry met her in Cyprus when she was 16, had an affair with her, then abandoned her. We don't know from the film how Leonard met her; all we really know is that they're together now, were originally living together without being married, but that Leonard married her after he turned 21 because he promised her, and he is a man of honor in that way. Also, we know that his family has cut him off since they married. They do show a scene, when Leonard is writing a letter to Tibby to send back the check, where Jacky is pestering him to ask his family for money.
Was she a prostitute? Or just a floozy, who made his young hormones go all crazy-like, and they ended up together? I know Leonard was out looking for work, but I assume, given the time period, Jacky finding a job wasn't an option.
I'm just curious as to others' thoughts, and I love coming to the boards for any Merchant/Ivory film, because the people who love these movies are very intelligent and insightful.