"Margaret was only like Ruth in her appreciation of Howards End and her outwardly adherence to conventional values, otherwise she's quite different. Ruth was very conservative, rather old school so to speak: she was an old soul tied very firmly to old values and traditions (though a very sweet person, by no means haughty or discriminatory). Whereas Margaret is very crisp, energetic, effective and straightforward."
I have to disagree. I think that the two women were almost the same person once you look past either's public persona. Margaret settled very easily into Ruth's old life, giving up her ideals and deferring to her future husband's wishes with hardly a backward glance at her progressive leanings. One must also remember that Ruth is the woman who chose to gift a house (without consulting her husband) to a virtual stranger, in order to right the perceived injustice of the Schlegels being made to vacate their family home.