MovieChat Forums > Howards End (1993) Discussion > Resemblance between redgrave and thompso...

Resemblance between redgrave and thompson

I'm not sure f Ivory intended to give us that but I can clearly see that Margaret as a young version of ruth, even in the way they dressed and walk (as the caretaker said it)
Maybe that is what henry sees in her as well.

And I just realized that Thompson can very well pass as Redgrave's daughter:)


In the beginning of the film, when the woman is walking through the gardens at HE I thought it was Emma Thompson (MARGARET) from the back. As it turns out, when the camera showed her from the front it was Ruth Wilcox.

"What happens to a dream deferred?"


exactly!! i also thought of that Ilario! :)


Yes, it was so very well done because it was slow and subtle and then bam!

"What happens to a dream deferred?"


Margaret was only like Ruth in her appreciation of Howards End and her outwardly adherence to conventional values, otherwise she's quite different. Ruth was very conservative, rather old school so to speak: she was an old soul tied very firmly to old values and traditions (though a very sweet person, by no means haughty or discriminatory). Whereas Margaret is very crisp, energetic, effective and straightforward. I think Henry appreciated both women for the different things they represented. Both personality types were compatible with his own.

*Smile* ~~and stop being so pathetic::..


I think one of the main themes is that they are soul sisters. Ruth recognizes it judging by her desparate appeal of 'will you come with me to Howards End?' and her bequeathing her house to Margaret. But I don't think Margaret ever recognizes it.


"Margaret was only like Ruth in her appreciation of Howards End and her outwardly adherence to conventional values, otherwise she's quite different. Ruth was very conservative, rather old school so to speak: she was an old soul tied very firmly to old values and traditions (though a very sweet person, by no means haughty or discriminatory). Whereas Margaret is very crisp, energetic, effective and straightforward."

I have to disagree. I think that the two women were almost the same person once you look past either's public persona. Margaret settled very easily into Ruth's old life, giving up her ideals and deferring to her future husband's wishes with hardly a backward glance at her progressive leanings. One must also remember that Ruth is the woman who chose to gift a house (without consulting her husband) to a virtual stranger, in order to right the perceived injustice of the Schlegels being made to vacate their family home.


Yes, Emma bore a strong resemblance to the late Natasha Redgrave as well, Vanessa's daughter. If you see Natasha in a scene standing on the stairs welcoming her daughter to London in the remake of the film, "The Parent Trap", she REALLY looks like Emma Thompson.

I love all the Redgraves, and I ADORE ADORE ADORE Emma Thompson.
