"I didn't care for some of the things he did or said, but I thought he was a very good person."
How was he a very good person? He clearly thinks that anyone in a lower class is inherently inferior and do not merit any help from those in positions of power and influence. And he seems to have brought up his children to believe as such. He also participates in and sanctions the destruction of the letter Ruth wrote on her death bed stating her wish that Margaret receive Howards End, and continues to lie about and cover up the matter for years. What attributes of good character does he show?? If there are any, I missed them completely.
As for the original post: The Schlegels are clearly not Jewish, for all of the reasons stated above and any number of others that I could probably find (but that's unnecessary as there is no debate about it). I'm in the middle of the novel and I am Jewish; there is no indication whatsoever in the film or novel that they are Jewish. In fact, there is every indication that they are NOT Jewish. I don't think the original post was necessarily a dumb question, as the original poster may only have seen the film once and did not read the novel. But anyone who, having seen the film and read the novel, thinks the issue is debatable simply has no idea what they are talking about. (I don't mean that anyone who thinks as such is "stupid," I'm just saying that they don't know what they are talking about on this one particular matter).