Roger's new family

While it probably might be a continuity error, or not. I might be able to explain Roger's new family, even though it's not explained in the movie, who ever has seen the first 'House', Roger had an ex-wife and a son named Jimmy. However 'House IV' is set many years later and focuses on Roger's new life.

I would assume that despite 'House's' happy ending, Roger and Sandy never got back together, and she got custody of Jimmy, so years later Roger marries Kelly who has her own kid, a daughter named Laurel.

This is the simplist explanation i could come up with.

Take it with a grain of salt.


yeah sure that works. basically it was the studio saying we want continuity and thats it so they brought back Roger Cobb regardless of the story. As far as I am concerned the House series is only House 1 and 2. ;)

although I do remember loving the pizza scene hah


Yes,House 1 and 2 are the "true" House movies.Part IV is crap..


Interestingly, in the recording of their life together before the movie begins, Roger and his new family actually appear to be at the original house from the first movie!
When I saw that, I started thinking, maybe after the first movie Roger investigated his family's past and found that the supernatural forces within his aunt's home came from another relative's home, specifically his grandfather whose house he had taken a oath not to ever sell. And looking into such matters he could have befirended the Native American from House IV who explained to him how to better deal with the supernatural (hence why he'd still live in his aunt's house).

The little girl may also be his daughter from the second marriage, I think. We don't know how much time passed between the two movies.
