What's up with the fake Linnie?

Anyone know why Angela Goethals didn't return for the sequel?


Wait a minute which one is Linnie in part 2? Google is giving me the pic of who i thought was Megan in both movies


She's Kevin's blonde sister and in the first one she calls him les incompentant. Another actress plays her in the sequel and maybe has 1 line and reddish hair.


Aside from Buzz and Fuller, I couldn't begin to tell you who the other kids were. I'm not even sure which are cousins and which are siblings.


Buzz was needed because he was Kevin's antagonist. Fuller was distinctive because he was McCauley Culkin's real life brother. Like you said the others don't stand out.


Oddly enough, I had no idea Kieron Culkin was Fuller until about a month ago. I remember him mostly because of his penchant for wetting the bed. Especially since the kid seemed to enjoy wetting the bed.


Wasnt Fuller's sister with the huge glasses easy to recognize.....I don't remember 🤔
