How do you think the characters' lives went on?
What do you think Bernie, Gale, and John did after the movie ended?
shareWhat do you think Bernie, Gale, and John did after the movie ended?
shareI assume Bernie was killed by the lions, but Bubber took care of his family financially and eventually had an affair with his ex-wife (while marrying Gale)
The end.
I'd say that what happened is that Bernie got mauled by lions but saved the girl. While in the hospital and doped up on meds, he blabs a little about the crash. One of the hospital staff mentions this to the news, who then looks into everything and posts a story about John potentially not having done what he'd claimed to do. Eventually the truth quickly comes out despite everyone trying to avoid it, causing Gale to lose her credibility and Bernie to quickly become a media darling because everyone assumes that he's a criminal who has had a change of heart.
John becomes the person everyone hates while Bernie eats up the attention. Very quickly he begins to chafe under all of the new expectations (much like he expected he would in the first place) and the non-stop media coverage, so Bernie starts making stupid decisions. He and John eventually try to work towards making things better, only to find that the media has discovered a new hero and starts focusing on that person instead.
Basically I can see a potential sequel focusing on the fickleness of the media and the general public's unreasonable expectations of a high profile figure, with an extra emphasis on how the current media covers everything 24/7.
If these were real people, and I were to answer honestly: Gale was already emotionally and psychologically matured from the experience, having quit her job. She was forever changed by her observance of human nature and her own misjudgment, prejudices and feelings of remorse. She would honor Bernie's desires to remain anonymous, thanking him "off the record". It was no longer about getting an exclusive story. Life was about real people and real emotions.
The same can't be said for the other two. Bernie was still a jerk, albeit with guts, who wouldn't change his self-destructive patterns. He'd remain a petty criminal with a troubled future. Bubber, although receiving money, was still the same - a noble, articulate individual, who had merely forgotten that he was (and is) a hero; having greatness thrust upon him, he would remain the revered, great American hero.
I like the other posters' scenarios of what might have happened. But I have a slightly different one for you.
Bernie does rescue the girl from the lions, and does not get mauled. Why? Well, most likely the lions were so lethargic due to their captivity that it took awhile for their natural instincts to kick in. The girl was saved, headlines were made and then eventually died down as John's continued presence in the media took center stage. At most, they would credit Bernie's heroisim in the zoo to John, saying that his nobility and courage must have rubbed off on Bernie somehow. Once again, the accolade would go to John. Bernie hopefully stays out of trouble, not because he is concerned about losing his Hero status to the people, but because he adores his son enough to be a better person. I don't know what kind of life he will live, but it will probably be modest and honest.
John would continue being a hero to the people, but eventually his stardom would fade. With the constant pressure of celebratory status off him, he is able to better focus on being the humanitarian he was trying to be. He uses the money more wisely, investing it to earn greater captial and continues to be a beacon of hope to the destitude. He eventually sets up a foundation and tours the country as a sort of goodwill motivator, spurring people to look after each other and take care of those who can't take care of themselves.
Gayle could get her job back. Maybe her boss might give her a cut in pay and status, or not, but she could go right back to doing what she was doing before. Or, she could get scooped up by another news agency, it could be a smaller station or maybe a large national syndicate. The odds are really in her favor because she still has the recognition, the accolades, and the experience of a veteran reporter. But I think Gayle was changed by the whole experience, and I think that instead of that she would pursue a different path, such as documentary film making. She would tour the city, or even the country, making movies about the life of the homeless, maybe even focusing on the disabled Vietnam war veterans who were shunned by American society and live meager lives off of the paltry disability checks.
Going further, I think John and Gayle might actually become partners. Maybe even lovers. They are both championing the same causes. Both could benefit from the other's resources and we already know there were some sparks between the two. And while I'm trumpeting this idyllic ending, maybe Bernie gets back together with his ex-wife.
That would be the epilogue if the (Hollywood) story had been written by me.
If you're looking for a mroe realistic approach, let's just say for karma's sake that Bernie saves the little girl in the zoo unharmed. However, as much as he has done, there is no way the city would drop all the charges against him. I mean, what kind of message would that send to other career criminals? So he is going to prison. Maybe with a reduced sentence, maybe not. Then either he will die in prison, become an even worse criminal, or learn a trade and eek out an even tougher life with the stigma of being a convicted felon. Gayle will go back to doing the news, probably with lesser pay and status.
If you want to know what happens to John, try watching a few episodes of the documentary show called Aftermath with William Shatner. You remember the story about the 18-month old baby that fell down a drainpipe that was like... 7 inches or something wide? It happened many years ago, sometime in the 80's. The story of the fireman who pulled her out is a grim lesson in what rapid stardom and fading limelight can do an average guy.
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I imagine LaPalante and Gale Being good friends (not sure about being lovers) with her helping him out and having a "normal" life with a steady job. She would be hired by another TV channel doing other type of work other then being a sensationalist reporter.
Bubber would eventually be forgotten by the general public, get depressed and spend all the money on drugs and alcohol, getting back to the streets as a homeless.
I think Bernie would go and rescue the girl from the lions, but gets his face mauled off and suffers amnesia as a result of the shock. Then another man at the zoo takes credit for rescuing the girl AND Bernie, and gets rewarded with a million dollars, and Bernie has to live on wearing a plastic mask instead of a human face.
Bernie's son didn't actually see what happened, so he rejects his father as being a loser. Bernie doesn't get to see his family again, and ends his days as a deformed alcoholic ruminating over what could have been.