excellent movie.

1, 2, and 3 are great horror. love them equally. i loved the back story in this. can't wait to watch Bloodlines this weekend. hope its as good as the first 3.


i agree




I'm not sure if I agree.


I'm not sure if I agree.



I personally LOVE this movie, like I have previously stated I think a Hellraiser movie should be about the Cenobites and that's what this movie does it finally releases Pinhead into our world which is a fascinating idea the embodiment of Hell being seen by the general population and not just someone who opens his forbidden box. If you haven't seen this movie yet you really should, this to me is a very competitive film as my favorite in the Hellraiser series.


I believe it's possible to make the cenobites the main focus and still have a good movie, but Hellraiser III didn't achieve that. The cenobites weren't the reason for the Americanized tone, with the hyperactive camera angles, the overly bombastic soundtrack, all the heavy metal music, the campy one liners, and especially the gimmicky cenobite designs with CDs and camcorders. That's the fault of the hack producer Lawrence Mortorff along with Anthony Hickox's campy sensibilities. I'm not saying Hickox's is a bad director but Hellraiser was the wrong movie for him.


I agree fully. When I was watching this after watching the first two, I could not tell I was watching a Hellraiser film (at least what I know of them), and felt like I was watching a poor man's Friday the 13th. I think the horrid screenplay did not help matters as well. Still gonna press on though and finish the franchise.

A funny thing though, when I saw the guy get killed with cds, I jokingly thought, "Look, it is cdhead.", but when he appeared as a cenobite, I just shook my head.

Nicholas Cage Deadfall
Films 2015: www.imdb.com/list/ls073224289/


I loved the first three films; the first two were dark, gothic masterpieces and this one was a great mix of horror, action and comedy (granted its mostly dark humor, but its still great). Bloodline was great as well, and Inferno is the best of the DTV entries. The rest range from mediocre to just ok (Hellworld is fun to watch, but Deader and Revelations are kinda dull).

I enjoy every entry in the series to an extent (some are better than others), but the first three are really pretty awesome.

"Godspeed, Spider-Man!"


Yea, Hellraiser 1-3 are excellent movies !! They sure as hell dont make movies like that anymore.



Well, like Hellbound, this film seemed to be going alright until about one-half to two-thirds through the film, then it fell apart. When Pinhead emerges and attacks the club, it all goes downhill. The Borg that Pinhead creates are laughable, not disturbing. So many explosions everywhere too! At least Hellbound had nice visuals to carry us through to the end when they forgot how to tell a cohesive story, but Hellraiser III flew off the rail as soon as Cenobites started shooting missiles and breathing fire. Such silliness.

This movie wasn't without some good ideas. They knew they had to resurrect Pinhead and came up with an interesting way to do it, with Spencer being separated from the shell of evil he had created and thus knowing that he must become one with Pinhead again. Even using the weird fetish club would have fit nicely with Hellraiser, but all it ended up being was a bunch of explosions and Borg running around.

Interesting that Peter Atkins wrote the mess that was Hellbound, only to repeat himself here and write another mess. He seems to have good ideas that he just can't adequately bring together.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


I agree, it fell apart, but after so many minutes of feigned screaming and rickity wagon creaking down the trail I just accepted it like a scripted Disney adventure and enjoyed the ride! Quite frankly I don't even think the first Hellraiser film managed to make a serious point about its central theme, that is, the duality of pleasure and pain. The pleasure has always been maudlin and unbelievable, and the pain nothing but special effects. Third film in, what could anyone make of the franchise except that it's a spectacle of motifs? I enjoyed the artistry of all the set designers and makeup artists and took it for what was on screen.


That's what frustrates me about the series...it totally lost its way. Hellraiser, like you said, does indeed fail to really explore the duality of pleasure and pain. Had those who made the sequels truly understood what the first film was really trying to be (as well as understanding what Clive wrote in The Hellbound Heart), then we could have delved much deeper into the proper subject matter as opposed to monster Cenobites and their super-powers that come in the form and hooks and chains. The hooks and chains were fine for Frank, but sadly, that became their one and only calling card rather than exploring different things for the different people who open the box. We never learn why some view the Cenobites as angels, for instance. The whole franchise is really just a big fat missed opportunity. Some entries better than others for what they are, but NONE living up to what could have been.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


I stopped watching this series with this movie. When the Cenobites in this movie were made cenobites against their will, it flies directly in the face of what a cenobite is in the first two movies... the very core of the first two.


You're missing out on the ridiculous scooby-doo esque twin security guards forced Cenobation in the next one. ;) The series is really riddled with inconsistencies about what it wants itself to be. V and VI spin it into a psychological "horror of guilt" where pinhead becomes some kind of moral arbiter doling out just deserts. Just ride with it. Wacky stuff!
