Cenobites are the Borg?

Watching this movie I was struck by similarity between this film's interpretation of the cenobites with the depiction of the borg from the star trek universe. Both have an uncanny sickly white flesh overlaid with a deep black leather look. The cenobites' motions in this film are accompanied by servo noises and stilted jagged mechanical motions. Cenobite "Doc" nipple-clamp camera lens looks distinctly similar to the Borgs' eyepiece...And coincidentally enough the protagonist actor also acted on a star trek series. Was there something in the air at the time? The allure of the android?


This is one of the big reasons people hate this film...it really just fed us some of the most laughable "Cenobites" ever witnessed. I know Pinhead just threw them together, but who in their right mind thought that making them weak looking Borg that fire missiles out of their heads was a good idea. Seriously, it's like they were trying to make characters for a kiddie Hellraiser toy line. The film was actually pretty good up until the point where Pinhead unleashes his wrath and all this silliness shows up.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Of the pseudo-Cenobites established here, the only ones I could ever legitimately see as actual Cenobites in Leviathan's army are Terri and Barbie (minus the molotov accessory). The other three are, to expand on your earlier statement, silly reflections of the time period that would be laughed out of the theater if "Hell on Earth" was made today. Although I still want NECA to make a Camerahead figure to go with CD and Barbie.


NECA never made a camerahead figure?
