Pussy husband

Guy was the biggest pussy I ever seen.and his face was just annoying to look at for an extensive period of time.now his beard is what's pathetic guy left 2 inches on his neck LMAO


Claire wasn't much better. She had little to no real interest in her children, especially her son. Certain situations could have been avoided if she was able to handle a crisis. Such as instead of immediately huffing and puffing then spazzing and screaming after finding the lighter in her husband's pocket, ask him what was going on. Talk to her daughter and ask if Soloman ever did anything to hurt her. Since she didn't work, take care of her own baby instead of just bringing in a stranger and not checking references, background, anything.


This was in 1992 remember--checking references was challenging without the internet which posts everything about everybody. And good luck getting background on people


True, but she could have made some effort. She was completely uninterested in anything to do with her children.


At least hire someone from an agency instead of a strange woman who just walks up to you on the street.


Yes they could have at least done that then.
