MovieChat Forums > Forever Young (1992) Discussion > Forever Young ??'s ice cream and source

Forever Young ??'s ice cream and source

Has anyone ever figured out why the little boy with the ice cream cone was staring at Daniel at the scene where the Finlay announced his wife was going to have a baby? Does anyone know if this movie was based on a book or short story?


The little boy was not actually staring at Daniel. Someone had spiked his ice cream with LSD and he was tripping out and seeing flying elephants. In the full uncut scene, when Daniel makes a stupid face at the little boy, he begins screaming in fear and foaming at the mouth, spasming and going into shock. Test audiences felt the scene was too extreme and upsetting for a family movie.

The movie itself is based on a true story. It's an autobiography, written by Captin Daniel McCormick himself, which is titled: "They Froze Me ... But I Came BACK, Dude! I Needed a Turd like You Wouldn't Believe!" (published in 1990 by Unreal Publishers). It was poorly received by critics, who slated its lack of evidence or authenticity.
