Little Elijah Wood!!

Good Grief!

It is always weird watching a film with a child star in an old film who happens to be a big celebrity at present. Such is the case in Forever Young. I knew that Elijah Wood was in this movie, but I figured he would be a teenager. But when I realized the film was made in 1982, almost 10 years ago, Elijah, who is about 25 now, would only be 12 or so in this.

It's weird to see Elijah as a little kid, but you can still recognize him (ie. his wide eyes, for one). It is hard to believe that that little boy would grow up to be in Lord of the Rings, saying, "Sam, I'm glad your with me!", fighting Orcs on mountaintops, and castles. That little boy s such a heartthrob now; WOW!!



Wow, judging by your screen name, you really must be's OK, it's not your fault. First of all the film was made in 1992 not 1982. If it was made in 1982 it would of been 23 years ago, not 10. Also, since it was made it 1992, it has been well over 10 years (13 if you want to get into specifics)so either way you weren't right. Sorry for being nit-picky but my pet peeve radar went of when I read this.

If you think Jacko's not so Wacko, make this part of your siggy!

"What the deuce?"


Wow, I messed up didn't I? Yes, I did mean 1992, not 1982; and yes, it is technically 13 years ago but I was estimating. Thank-you!



He looks so sweet in this film. I think Elijah is great!!!!!


I didn't know he was Elijah. Cool


Awww, so sweet!

Hey voodoo, watch the blonde insults. They make you look dumb.


He's the best actor in the movie.


He was so adorable! :)

A really good film to check out with Elijah as a kid is The War.

Paradise...The Good Son...and The Adventures of Huck Finn...are good too.

A good recent film with Elijah is Everything Is Illuminated. :)




He was an adorable child. I had such a crush on him and Macaulay Culkin as a kid.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


He already looked very small in The Lord of the Rings. Must be something about the extremely soft skin, baby fat and cat-face (huge eyes, tiny mouth). So I was kind of shocked to see him in this movie, even smaller!!

there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above her shoulder
