MovieChat Forums > Forever Young (1992) Discussion > Can someone tell me how this end..

Can someone tell me how this end..

please, can someone tells me what happens in the end of this movie, never got a chance to see the ending!?!?!?



Daniel escapes the hospital with Nat and his mother's help. While being chased they make it to the air show, where Daniel leaves by 'himself' flying one of the classic planes. He heads for his former girlfriend's place, unfortunetly Daniel suffers another 'age' attack and cannot continue. All of the sudden Nat comes out from his hiding place and has to take over the plane, with Daniel's instructions of course. Thankfully, they make it to the destination. Eventually as if with instinct Daniel and his girl find each other, and after a long embrace Nat joins them, looking off the point at a romantic blue sky.

The End.

Ilen Crue


yeah, but you fogot in important part. The reason why they were chasing him. one of the guys whose chasing Daniel has done some experiments w/ freezing and has done study on Harry's[the guy who froze him]work. They want to do some testing on they can find out how he froze him. But while Daniel is at Harry's daughter's house[which is where he found out his girlfriend is still alive] the duaghter recovers notes that Harry took on his freezing experiment....books and books of notes....of course it shows on there that the experiment will go wrong.[Harry found out that there was something wrong w/ his experimant after Daniel was frozen, so he went in to try to get him out, but was killed in a chemical explosion....w/ Daniel's identity lost.]Anyway...after Daniel takes off on the plane to his girlfriend's....they show up, and unfortunatley they're too late...Daniel took off...but Jamie lee Curtis' character gives the notes to the then they leave Daniel alone and stop chasig him. Hope that was helpful.


Did he die at the end? I can't remember.


He didn't die in the film, but with the systemic shock endured by aging from 32 to 85 in a couple of days, I can't imagine he would have lasted much longer.


in 30 minutes he aging from 35 to 90 years. rofl


So did he look 85 at the end?


Yes, about 85 (aside from the makeup's shortcomings).


So did they ever explain in the film why he aged from 32 to 85 in half an hour?

"We're making a film here, not a movie."


No, and it doesn't make much sense that he's aging 53 years in that short time. Especially his hair would never be able to turn grey since its already dead material. It would be equally logic to have clothes turning grey. (There are stories about people having hair which turns grey over night. This is possible if one already has grey hair mixed with colored hair where the latter are dropped during night by some reason. This also means that the hair is not only turning grey, but also getting thinner. i don't think a 32 year old man has grey hair embedded, though.)


>> i don't think a 32 year old man has grey hair embedded, though.

Well, I have lots of gray hair since I am 25 or so.
With 32, my hair looked almost like Blake Carrington.
Now, at 41, I AM Blake Carrington ;-) (just kidding)
But yes, I didn't turn gray over night.


Hey, how about this explanation:


lol, just enjoy it.



Hey, how about this explanation:


lol, just enjoy it.


NICE - I'm going to have to steal that and use it almost every thread on the IMDB forums!!



It was never really exsplained but when Daniel was reading Harry's notes, it did say Aging process Irreversable. I think what happen was the aging couldn't be prevented and eventually the boddy catches up to it and that's probably where the extreme pain and discomfort come from. I think if we did freeze a person and bring them back, that's probably the way it would really be.

Daniel tells Helen about the top secret experiements that Harry is doing and makes her promise to keep it quiet.

(Daniel) "Helen? This is a matter of national security---"
(Helen) "Danny don't!"
(Daniel "I am very sorry but I'm afraid I am going to have to tickle you."



Watching this again recently, I couldn't help but feel it was incredibly awkward that Nat went and joined Daniel and Helen at the end. These two had been separated for more than 50 years, and were so happy to finally be back together. Then this 10 year old kid who had never met her before comes up grinning like an idiot. Mate, this has nothing to do with you. Leave them alone!

The main reason that Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live
