MovieChat Forums > Forever Young (1992) Discussion > So he was frozen for 53 years??

So he was frozen for 53 years??

I've seen this movie, but it's been several years. I just got on this board because I have some time to kill and am bored. I had not clue that he was frozen for 53 years. Imagine waking up and life being totally different. The way of life being different and missing out on so much history.


yeah, its funny i've thought about that...he seemed to adapt pretty, as if you and i time travel 53 years into the future, how well would we adapt...


The only drawback to the film was how quickly he adapted. It would have been a nice point of detail to have him appear to be in the world but not of it to coin a phrase. I believe that contrast would have been amazing and offered a lot of fun opportunities in the film that they neglected entirely.

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I think they should have pointed out some situations in which Daniel didn't adapt. I think showing him browsing the few pages in the historybook was not enough. On the other hand it would've missed the point of the movie because it's about the love to Helen. Well, and finding Harry.


It would have been 73 years now.


I underatand that ths was a love story, not a time travel story, but I would have given it a longer running time and included some of the complications of his adaptation.

You couldn't sell hacksaws in a jail!


Three years later ...

Dan was a test pilot, and from the opening scenes, a maverick. He lived on the edge and thrived there. His only weakness was his hesitancy in proposing to Helen.

Thus, he has the ability to adapt favorably to difficult situations. Culture shock would be child's play for him.


When animals forage, is it for grocery, hardware or medicine?
