MovieChat Forums > Fatal Memories (1992) Discussion > Spoiler alert- Interesting update

Spoiler alert- Interesting update

It seems she went on to say she had memories of her father killing two other girls but DNA proved he didn’t kill them. It’s been said she had false memories.

I personally believe this movie and the murder of her friend. The details she provided we found true in this case.


The link you provided explains that the details she provided were based on newspaper articles.

This woman is clearly full of shit. If she lied about the other murders, there's enough reason to doubt the story about her friend's murder. I'm glad the father was exonerated, although it's sad none of the murders were ever solved.


I agree it’s a shame the other murders were never solved. The claims she made should have brought more interest and awareness of the murders. As they say someone out there knows the truth.


I just find it hard to believe she lied about what happened to her. I was abused myself as a child for years and forgot a lot of details. I had flashbacks starting at 13 and thought I was going nuts. I didn’t even know what flashbacks were. When I told my parents what happened to me by a family friend and his friends I was told to just be quiet and forget about it. Since they didn’t believe me I doubted myself too but more memories came to the point when I attempted suicide at 15 then again at 17. Flashbacks can drive someone crazy if not handled properly. Therapy helped me a lot and proof was found of the abuse m. Hard proof so we knew I wasn’t lying. Even though I knew what happened to me wasn’t a lie part of a survivor doesn’t want to believe it because it’s so awful. Unfortunately in my case we were told it was too late to press charges this is even with the proof we have. It’s tough to live with that justice will never happen.

But my point is it hard to accept that someone would lie about sexual abuse and I know it does happen. I mean what did she gain out of her lies other than public attention? It’s hard to believe she’d lie just for public attention because how is that even a positive thing? Sexual abuse survivors forever feel shame. Why would anyone want that?

I guess she could be mentally ill kind like those people who make themselves sick on purpose for attention. I just don’t see any positive gain of lying about sexual assault or abuse. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Even now in my mid fortys i still struggle menally. Life is a daily struggle and the only positive thing I can see as a survivor of sexual abuse is I can use my past to help others heal. But I still can’t accept that as a good thing. So why anyone would lie about it is beyond me.


"Repressed memory" is an extremely controversial topic in psychology and there are many studies that even doubt its existence. I have my own opinion, but I won't bother sharing it since this seems to be a very personal and senstive issue for you.

Whether you believe in repressed memories or not, there are a lot of issues with this woman's account, as explained in this article by an expert who testified during the trial:
