
i watched this in school for history and i actually thought it was a comedy till my freind told me it was meant to be serious but I'm sorry but 'antique spoons' i was practically p*****g myself laughing and tom cruise goin around punchin people was just hilarious and how come no-one could stand up for two seconds without fallin over, please tell me my mate is wrong and it's some kind of parady!

**^~~JoHnNy DePp FoReVeR~~^**


You might want to pay better attention in history. A lot of this stuff used to happen back then: people carrying their valuables on their persons and getting waylaid by robbers (silver spoons is not a stretch); bare knuckle boxing; Tom Cruise's character going around punching people (other than when in a bare knuckle boxing match) fist fights anywhere were as common back then as they are now amongst the Irish and English - just go into any Irish or English pub on a Friday or Saturday night and you'll be in a punch up in no time


yeah but is it historically accurate to punch a MULE?? *LMFAO*
