I wouldn't call this film terrible, but I think it was disappointing in some respects (more so than in the other adaptations I've seen) and I think it's overrated. Ralph Fiennes did a more than capable job as Heathcliff, but he didn't have the dark, brooding gypsy quality. One film reviewer described him as being "too refined" for the role - and I agree. Fiennes himself seems to dislike this production and found filming it to be a very unpleasant experience.
Juliette Binoche just didn't come across as a Yorkshire lass. I do think she made an interesting Cathy nonetheless, despite the lingering French accent. Having her portray the younger Catherine was a huge mistake - was it done for budget reasons? She's supposed to resemble her father Edgar, not her mother. Binoche seems to have played both roles the same way. I just couldn't connect with the characters (I am in agreement that Jeremy Northam should have played Heathcliff rather than Hindley, he certainly is closer to the phyiscal description of the former). As the adult Hindley is too briefly seen, the only other person I found myself interested in was Hareton. Having said that, I've seen the role played better.
I know there was a big to-do over this being the first theatrical version of WH to include the second generation and pretty much cover the whole novel (not entirely as that would be impossible), but it really moved too fast for its own good. It should have been presented as more of an epic for those reasons (since when WH is produced for TV, it is often presented as a miniseries, giving the story the chance to include more detail and establish the plot).
The locations, costume and music score were very good, and having Sinead O'Connor introduce the film as Emily Bronte was an interesting choice. But I have to say, off all the adaptations I've seen so far, this one is the least effective one for me.