MovieChat Forums > The Crying Game (1993) Discussion > Best movie twist of all time.

Best movie twist of all time.

Usual suspects and fight club honestly didn't even come close. I went into this movie knowing nothing and when the twist happened, I was FLOORED!



my friend told me to watch it and I asked her what it was about and she wouldn't tell me anything! So I got home and like 45 minutes in i'm like ''This is good, it's not great, but it's solid'' and then the twist comes out of nowhere and I loved it!



Breafast on Pluto is one of my fave films of all time. Tragically underrated!
You have great taste btw :)



actually no I haven't seen that yet. But will definitely check it out now thanks to you :)


It was an okay twist imho - but surely not as iconic and memorable as the twist in Planet Of The Apes


Sorry, but SLEEPAWAY CAMP did that twist almost 10 full years earlier.


Well I was not referring to a boy dressed as a girl type twist but twists in general - I suspect there are some 1940s movies with some gender swapping


Me too the first time around. Ive watched it many times since and its still shocking, haha!



Certainly the most sickening one!

