Accidental Colorism?

I just watched the movie for the umpteenth time this past weekend, and for the first time I've noticed something that irked me a little bit:

Look closely, and you see how all of the intelligent and civilized characters (like Duncan and Ellen) are white/light-skinned, while all of the unrefined and "ghetto" characters (like Blade and Damita) are all dark-skinned. Do you all think this is just a coincidence or was this done on purpose?


This was done on purpose, there's no way coincidentally ALL of the white/light-skinned kids are nicer and smarter, and ALL of the dark-skinned kids are mean and roguish.


I figured as much. While I love this movie, I think it's unfortunate that this movie and others like it perpetuate a very nasty stereotype that divides African-Americans in this matter. What's even more unfortunate is that it works so well.


I get your drift but i dont think its "colorism", it just goes with their grades, blades gets bad grade and ;he's bad, so he woulda got with Damita and Duncan is good and so he would got with the good people via. Ellen. but if you look at it in another way, it is see how the school is divided got a black, dirty, ghetto section and on the white side...everything is justifed, clean, and cultured..


You guys are crazy.



I definently noticed that too, its pretty much a down the line split with the black kids in this movie. But that may be reading to much into it, from what I remember the only light skinned characters who happened to be "educated" were Kid and Play's girl, they were the only definently intellectual types in the movie, and 2 probably isn't enough to make it anything more than a coincidence. Anyways, this was just on HBO, which is why I'm on the board.


It could have been done to make Blade and Duncan seem more out of place to the audience. I'm sure there was more of a symbolical reasoning behind this than a racist one.


LOl. I agree with Thorn.
You guys are crazy.

It means nothing.

"I dont chase anyone who wont chase me back....BB"


I think everyone who thinks there is anything to this is full of it. It is pure coincidence that COLOR skin tint or whatever have anything to do with anything other than looking for an evil plot or the like. The girl that plays Damita was in Boyz in the hood I think and Karyn was on Fresh Prince and if ANYTHING it is more of type-casting thing than any evil plot. Everyone else probably got their parts as a result of....OH Gasp!........they fit?


Maybe they did it on purpose, maybe they didn't. Who cares, but pay attention to this, Duncan's dad was dark skinned and one of Mink's thugs was light skinned... hmm...

I think I just killed the topic. :)



OH GOD !!! LET IT GO ALREADY ... SEE THINGS LIKE THAT MAKE IT SEEM LIKE YOU WERE JUST LOOKING FOR "SOMETHING" TO FIND... I'm not saying you're wrong, but I mean couldn't it just be that that's the name they chose for that Tomb Stone and nothing more? That's Like Some random Woman Posting up Something Like " Omg I'm so pissed at the Scene when blade says ( You Be Hittin' On A Bitch! ) . This Scene Was very Disturbing ... and blah blah blah. " WHO THE HELL CARES... It's A MOVIE... GET A LIFE AND GROW UP !!!


With all due respect, movies can (and often do) contain symbolism, just like literature. Even a movie as comedic as this one can. I just took note of something that I saw that could POSSIBLY be symbolic and ask others' opinions about it. Is that a crime?

Don't cut class. Skip the whole day.


I think it was accidental. If you watch the House Party movies, Kid was supposed to be the more shy one and Play was supposed to the one who never went by the rules. They just went along with that for this movie because they were both good at playing their respective roles. As for Karyn Parsons, she probably wanted to play a character that was the complete opposite of the airheaded Hilary Banks of the Fresh Prince. Thus, they gave her the smarter role. Besides, Alysia Rogers was so much better for the part of Damita because she was so damn sexy.


i think it was subconsious


no,i dont believe it was done on purpose cuz duncan's dad is dark skinned.
