DVD !!

Does anyone have this on DVD yet? The one user that posted the www.yipeedvd.com site, that site is no longer there or doesnt have it.

Let's get together and get this out of DVD...



This was honestly one of my favorite movies growing up and has to come out on DVD. If there is a way for this to happen - LET IT BE KNOWN!



Please get this to DVD!!!!!! I havent seen this movie in over 8 years and can probably still recite it from beginning to end


They have really crappy movies on DVD. Class Act is so awesome I really don't understand why Class Act is on DVD. They even have Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon on DVD!!!!! (I love that movie too)


i've been trying to find this movie on dvd for ages!!!
i'm so confused why it's not. that's the most ridiculous thing ever


bizarre.. I'd definitely cop it.. Kid's girl was the truth..

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Stan Lee, 1962
