MovieChat Forums > Captain America (1991) Discussion > Which MCU character took the worst beati...

Which MCU character took the worst beating?

In your opinion which MCU character has endured the most physical pain from their battles?

Hulk vs. Abomination
Hulk vs. Thor
Hulk vs. Hulk buster

Thor vs. The Destroyer
Thor vs. Kurse
Thor vs. Ultron

Captain America vs. Red Skull
Captain America vs. Winter Soldier
Captain America vs. Loki
Captain America vs. Ultron

Jessica Jones

Keep in mind that Jessica Jones was more mental abuse but she was hit by a truck, shot at, had her rib broken, and cut a few times.


Daredevil- Nobu.


i agree this episode of dd was amazing but dd could have died he lost so much blood and if foggy hadn't been thier oh god ya




I actually think Thor has taken a brutal beating as well. Kurse tossed a boulder at him and kept pummeling him in the face nearly killing him. And Ultron was owning him too.

But Daredevil vs. Nobu was very brutal.


Yeah true:)


Don't forget Luke Cage taking a shotgun blast to the face that almost killed him.

Copycat trolls always have each others' backs, even if both accounts are the same guy.

