I too think he looks nerdy but that doesn't make him any less of a villain or any less threatening. It's typically the genius villains who are the most threatening.
But I am a bit bummed to hear the reviews say he basically has no place in this movie and is very "Meh". Just more ammo for the marvel has crappy villains crowd, who I disagree with completely btw.
I think people are getting confused between villain and antagonist. Zemo is a villain but he may not be the primary antagonist in the film, that is more likely Iron Man. Course I've not seen it yet.
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Iron Man: Obadiah Stane. Was pretty scary and kicked Iron Mans butt. The Incredible Hulk: General Ross/Blonsky. Both 'villains' made Banners/Hulks life pretty hard. Hulk was injured by Abomination. Iron Man 2: Yeah both Wiplash and Justin Hammer were lame. I must admitt. Thor: Loki/Lauffi Well thats 50/50. Lauffi wasnt special. He was Loki's puppet. Loki on the other hand was a great villain. Playing everyone. And basically still doing that. CA TFA : Red Skull was a very decent villain. The guy was the ubernazi. How villainous can you get? Avengers: Loki again. No need to elaborate. Iron Man 3: Aldrich Killian. Also pretty good villain. Yes the so called Mandarin was a downer but I dont see anything wrong with Killian. Thor TDW: Malekith. Yes again this one was pretty lame. Never really a threat. CA TWS: Alexander Pierce. This guy was almost able to kill everyone he wanted. What do you mean he was a bad villain. Also Winter Soldier was not easy to stop. Guardians: Ronan. I dont get the criticism on him. Yes the dance off was a bit of an anticlimax but it was funny as hell and no matter how you look at it a distraction wasnt a bad idea. Come on the guy was about to destroy a planet so this was the last he expected. And untill the dance off Ronan was a great villain. Avengers Age of Ultron: Ultron wasnt that great but also not very bad. Maybe a few jokes less. Ant-man: Yellowjacket/Darren Cross He was a pretty good villain. He had no problem turning people and sheep into goo. He tried to hurt a little girl to get to Scott. If thats not bad then what is.
I may argue a bit stronger then its really is but 'the other side' is too.
Top 5 Villains in the MCU: 5. Destroyer - My favorite fight in any Phase 1 solo goes to Thor v Destroyer. Easily the best henchman type villain we've ever gotten in the MCU. Great look, sweet powers, well set-up, and really stuck to the comic inspiration as the God's engine of death. 4. Kilgrave - I enjoyed the hell out of watching this character throughout the show. He's hilarious but he's also pure evil! In episode 1 he is established as a force of chaos and malevolence, and yet weirdly charming. 3. The Winter Soldier - He's a villain in Winter Soldier all the way, and he's menacing and brutal and very effective. Excellent fight scenes, great look, sympathetic almost to a fault but redeemed by his shoot-to-kill, stab-to-bleed mindset. 2. Kingpin - Phenomenal. D'onofrio's performance was incredibly layered, and while I didn't imagine Frank Miller's Kingpin to be as doughey or, frankly, to have Asperger's syndrome, the character on screen works to perfection. I re-read my classic Frank Miller DD books recently and when Kingpin was on the panel I heard D'onofrio's cadence - in other words he totally owned it. 1. Loki - Consensus best villain in the MCU and one of the great CBM villains ever for good reason. He has tremendous screen presence and covers everything from insidious evil to antihero while maintaining logical motivation.
Honorable Mention: Red Skull, Iron Monger, Nebula, Ultron, Trevor.
Bottom 5 Villains in the MCU: 5. Justin Hammer - Quite forgettable. 4. Nobu - Great fight scene in Daredevil S1 but in S2 they tried to make him the leader of the Hand and it really fell flat because they didn't give him really anything at all to do. 3. Laufey - They really F'ed up the Frost Giants. They needed to be much BIGGER in size. It's not a nitpick. It's a key aspect of their whole deal. Thor fights like a couple at a time at most, not a horde and they are GIANTS, like 100 feet tall. Woulda been sooo much cooler!. 2. Killian - I hate lava vomit powers and while I really enjoyed the Manadarin send-up I disliked that they tried to squeeze in that Killian considered himself the real Mandarin with the tattoo and all. His ignored-nerd origin was not very gripping but I liked his demeanor as a cocky rival. 1. Malekith - He didn't offer anything really. In the comics he's this youthful, psychopathic, dark elf, heavy on magic and agile but not bulky. Not so much wanting to destroy the universe but more just plotting to expand power. Seems to me that the MCU's Loki was probably too similar so they just did their own thing with it. If I got a mulligan (a do-over) for any MCU movie it'd definitely be on Thor 2.
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I have never read comics. At least not Marvel (or DC for that matter). I have read European comic books. My point is I don't compare to the comics. I judge what I see in the movies and I thought the villains in the MCU aren't bad at all. I agree that the villains in the Netflix shows are among the best but they also have more time to set them up properly.