Doctor Strange Board

Think that'll be the next MCU-wide congregation?

Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)




Teaser looked so good!

Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)


it was amazing


I hope we see a lot of scenes similar to the Quantum Realm scene from ant man. Cool stuff.


Yeah that was some really awesome visuals

Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.


Yeah but I also hope we get some funky colors and psychedelic blobby stuff too alongside the kaleidoscopic effects.

Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)


We would need to kick out all the SJW first.

It is infested by SJW and their whitewashing rhetoric.

The fights will be inevitable to I suggest after CW premiers we make an army and clean that board-


They upset about Tilda?

Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)


I'd actually say most of the problem right now are the Nolan fanboys crying "Inception Rip Off!" "Batman Begins Rip Off!" etc... 


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


Judging things on maybe 2% of the total is the best way to go about things. All though I must admitt when I saw Doomsday in the trailer I did think BvS was in trouble


I'd actually say most of the problem right now are the Nolan fanboys crying "Inception Rip Off!" "Batman Begins Rip Off!" etc...

So... I take it none of them have ever read or even looked at a Dr Strange comic... ever.

And not to say that Inception didn't have an influence. I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin Feige saw Inception and went "Holy crap! We can do Dr Strange! See, it can visually be done!"

But to the rest of it... yeah, not so much copying Batman Begins as following the actual story of Dr Strange.

Sanity is for the weak!


Do Nolan fans read?

The fact that they think Inception was so freaking original is astoundingly stupid.


And Stephen Strange.

Despite his name being Stephen Vincent Strange, in honor to Vincent Price... the SJW wanted a POC, why? Because social justice.


Hey, they've made Mordo black... and it doesn't look like they are going to make him a villain right away.

Hell he may not be a villain at all in this first movie... kind of like how in Green Lantern they didn't make Sinestro a villain right away.

And yes, I get the whole bitch bitch bitch about Tilda Swinton. At the same time did any of those complainers read the few comics in the 80's and couple more in the 90's where Marvel started to imply that the Ancient One might never have been human, but simple took a human form to better interact with the world he(it) was defending. Granted it was only a handful of comics that made that implication... sort of a soft retcon type thing.

For the movie they really seem to be aiming at the more other worldly nature of the Ancient One based off Feige's comment as to why they cast Swinton in the role.

But at the same time I can fully get people bitching about it... and having reason to bitch about it.

The ones that want Dr. Strange to have been a black actor however can sit on it and rotate for all I'm concerned. Kind of like all those people who think Tessa Thompson (who has been cast in the next Thor movie) should be playing Valkyrie.

I got two issues with that. The much more minor one being another race change like Heimdall. The much more major and important one being that Thompson is only 5'4". She 5 inches shorter than Jamie Alexander (Sif). There is no way in hell that the actress playing Valkyrie should be significantly shorter than the actress who plays Sif, especially because routinely in the comics Valkyrie is drawn as taller than Sif. The minimum height for an actress to play Valkyrie (if that character is part of the next Thor movie) should be 5'9" (the same height as Alexander).

Sanity is for the weak!


Oh I can get people bitching about it... sort of.

Would an Asian actor have been better? Maybe. But with SJW you can never win, they would have bitched SPOILER ALERT about The Ancient One being killed so that a white guy gets to be The Sorcerer Supreme.

You remember the good old days when "Marvel was the KKK" for killing off Tripp on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

So the SJW have literally dug their own grave on that one.

I can live with that casting.

The ones that want Dr. Strange to have been a black actor however can sit on it and rotate for all I'm concerned.

Could not have said it better, brother.

And I would love to see The Enchantress and Lorelei in this movie. I have a feeling it will be epic.

But who can Tessa Thompson play?


Some were upset about Doctor Strange being white...
