So far 1 rotten review

I decided to read the rotten review and it didn't seem genuine in a way. The reviewer from the Young folks seemed to genuinely hated the film but went to see the film with hate on his mind. I compared his review with other reviews and everything other critics like he hated. It seems to me he wanted to be the "cool" guy by being the first to rate the film rotten.

I know a genuine negative opinion when I see one but it sort of makes you wonder what drives the hate mentality in the first place? Is it the cool factor or is it because some people dislike others doing better than themselves?


maybe 


The reviewer made a thread on the Civil War board to "defend the review". Here are some quotes:

Do I get a little rush from all of the interaction. Of course I do! It's the most feedback I've ever gotten on a review and I'm really glad I get to hear a lot of perspectives. Truth be known, I needed some more blunt criticism on the weaknesses in my writing. There's no ill will or manipulative agenda here at all. Believe me or don't, but that's the truth

Our site is down right now from all the traffic, but we are working hard to get it back up.

Honestly, it's because the social media presence is weak for my blog, and I wanted to talk to as many people as I could.


Unbelievable. But hey, that's showbiz. Some blogs with give it negative reviews to gain more attention unfortunately.

Urich: Guess I have more faith in humanity. Fisk: So did Christ, if I recall.


Bad reviews are inevitable... Nobody predicted a 100% RT score. But this guy seems to be craving attention a little too much... his thread on the CW board is like seven or eight pages long now.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own"


There will be a lot more rotten reviews to come, because that's just how it is but that review was nothing more than click bait. Like OP said, wanted to be the first to give it a rotten review and it worked out perfectly for them. Congrats to that publication ive never heard of.

---Straight outta Strontia---
