Captain America (1990)

I remember watching this with my dad (rented it from Blockbuster!). I loved the Burton Batman films and liked the Donner Supes ok. Captain America just didn't do it for me at the time, not this movie or the comics. Now Captain America is my absoulte favorite comic book character on the strength of the MCU, Brubaker's run, and his characterization in some of my fav team books like Busiek's Avengers.

I'm surprised Daredevil and X-Men took so long to get off the ground when you consider how well-like those 80's comics were. So much more source material, but instead they went with Cap. Funny. I wonder where they could've gone, but I wouldn't trade our trajectory for anything!

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Well, you seem to be the only one actually talking about the movie, LOL. Dunno, Daredevil had a failed backdoor pilot in Trail of the Hulk and X-Men first debuted in Generation X in 97.

I used to like this movie ok enough (5/10 maybe). I haven't seen it in years though and I always liked Captain America II: Death To Soon the best of the bunch of the old movies. Christopher Lee would have been a great Red Skull.

If I didn’t talk the way I talk I wouldn’t know who the hell I am, Sean Connery on his accent


Ha, well I figured since we're all here we oughta honor the film.

Yeah that Incredible Hulk show is a classic in the vein of Beauty and the Beast, etc. I was just a shade too young to understand what I was watching when I caught as a kid in the 80's (syndication I guess).

Those 90's Marvel cartoons were f'ing great tho. X-Men was the best. Spider-Man was legit. Iron Man was pretty cool. Those were the series that hooked me as a fan.

Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)


Absolutely. I loved the 90s DC and Marvel toons. I remember the Hulk pilot (which they would air as a movie sometimes) scared the crap out of me as a kid.

Daredevil was pretty good in the reunion movie, I thought. Gen X was pretty crappy though it's the only time we see X-Men in their proper costumes in live action, unless First Class counts.

If I didn’t talk the way I talk I wouldn’t know who the hell I am, Sean Connery on his accent
