MovieChat Forums > Captain America (1991) Discussion > What scene gave you chills?

What scene gave you chills?

Which scene in each MCU film you have seen has given you chills?

Iron Man

When Iron Man arrived in Gulmira and took out all the terrorists and saved the refugees.

Iron Man 2

The suitcase armor sequence.

Iron Man 3

The air force one rescue scene.

Captain America

When Steve and Red Skull first met.

Captain America The Winter Soldier

The Highway fight scene. Hands down.


When Thor became worthy of Mjolnir again.

Thor the Dark World

Frigga vs. Malekith

The Avengers

The circle tracking shot.

Age of Ultron

Opening sequence

Ant Man

The final battle


All of them except IM2 and Thor 2

Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.


I got more chills than Cap when he crashed the plane into the Arctic. Hey-ooo

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Iron Man: Stark flying the suit for the first time.

TiH: Stark appearing at the end.

Iron Man 2: Suitcase armor

Thor: Loki finding out his heritage

CATFA: When Red Skull gets blasted into space

The Avengers: Practically everything. But if a gun was placed to my head, probably Thor vs Hulk.

Iron Man 3: The (fake) Mandarin's first speech. (Sigh)

Thor 2: Frigga's funeral scene

CATWS: Highway sequence

GOTG: Thanos finally speaking

AOU: Ultron's first appearamce and speech

Ant-Man: Wasp intro

Urich: Guess I have more faith in humanity. Fisk: So did Christ, if I recall.


I wouldn't say chills, but when the fake Mandarin revealed his true identity I cracked up. Some good bait and switch right ther.

If I didn’t talk the way I talk I wouldn’t know who the hell I am, Sean Connery on his accent

