who is the worst troll that will target ca: cw.
for me it is nolanist
who is it for you?
We mustn't honor them by naming them.
They exist but once. They are ignored as soon as identified. That is our way.
Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)
i know that keybrains but i find nolanist a halirious moron and can't put him on my ignore list same with exceptional joe hahahaha
shareyeah i dont have nolanist on ignore either, mostly because i interacted with him on BvS board so would be dumb to go on their turf and not expect some level of MCU-rebuffing. I don't mind people with different opinions in fact I value it. It's just there's an undefinable know-it-when-you-see-it quality to trolling and Nolanist, DennisReynolds, etc. among others don't arise to it.
Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)
Funny you mentioned DennisReynolds. Now he is on the CW board trying to have a "decent" conversation after a year of lambasting the MCU.
You on point Phife?- RIP Phife Dog
Hafabee has just crawled out of it's pit and is trolling the CW board right now, posting multiple X-Men Apocalypse topics and bumping them with "Nyah nyah, this'll teach you" rhetoric.
It even just 'threatened' to "burn our house down", or something like that.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
Hafabee, Wallfish, NotJoshTrank
They have like 12 socks
ramboman24 is now trolling the ca: cw and he really upset about bvs poor run in the cinema.
Yeah, Rambo trolled last year on the AOU board saying how awful the movie and how bad MCU was. I embarrassed him by asking him why pay money and watch the movie if after ten movies you don't like the MCU. That is what stupid person would do. Then he lied by saying his friend downloaded a bootleg and he watched it. Called him out on that lie and he just left.
You on point Phife?- RIP Phife Dog
the trolls have started to arrive and unleash their hate on ca: cw.
Jun2K has "seen" Civil War and was trolling his hate a few hours ago, saying things like X-Men Apocalypse will be the "best CBM this year", and people who say Civil War is exciting and action packed are "lying".
The 'best' one (for want of a better word) was when he declared that Civil War will "make you long for the return of Joss Whedon"... Of course, this is the guy who gave FANT4STIC an '8'.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
He's busy bumping his threads now, but nobody's biting.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own"