MovieChat Forums > Captain America (1991) Discussion > Reasons why this is better than the Chri...

Reasons why this is better than the Chris Evans version

1. The soundtrack is far better and more emotional, not to mention memorable. I can still him some of the score pieces in my head.

2. The movie connects with the audiences emotionally. Especially when you see Rogers leave his family.

3. The red skull villain had far more depth and better backstory. On top of this I think he looked better than Hugo Weavings version.

4. The suite honors the source material.

5. Better pacing, keeps me entertained. The recent film is only good up until the serum experiment, after that it all goes downhill.

6. Better climax






This is an underrated film, but I have no doubt the Chris Evans film is superior. This one is however superior to the two Reb Brown films.


I too like this film and feel it is vastly underrated, however I must disagree with you.

1) I don't feel either soundtrack is all that great, however the current film does have the musical interlude with an excellent number in it, so it gets the nod on this score.

2) I agree it seems to have a better emotional connection, and I do think the loss of Bucky wasn't played up enough in the current film, however the end exchange between Cap and Peggy was very touching and his talks with Dr Erskine, whilst perhaps not as emotional as the exchanges with his family in the 90's film, were certainly quite poignant and would connect with people in a different way as it told a little parable about not being afraid of being 'regular' as that is what gives us strength.

3) The 90's version, being completely reinvented, needed some more detailed back story to set him up and give him context, although I will admit it was interesting and well done. The current version is more faithful to the source as a Nazi officer, this is something people can understand without having read the comics, it's easy to follow that he is a Nazi scientist creating superweapons. It's a little bit formulaic, but this isn't meant to be Casablanca or Saving Private Ryan or somesuch, it's an action movie, and the story given to the Red Skull was good and made him a good villain. Not to take away from the 90's film though, it too was very good. I disagree about the 90's version of the Skull looking better though, I honestly think the new one look s much better, far more skull-like than the red face from the 90's.

4) Interesting that you raise this as a point when the Red Skull doesn't honour the material, plus, the current film honours the suits from the comics as well.

5) Personal opinion and I disagree. I like the 90's version but do find it slow and plodding for much of the film whereas the current one I find moves at a good pace and covers a lot of ground well, makes for a fun film.

6) Again, personal opinion and I disagree. I found the climax to the 90's film rather boring. The end fight is reasonable, but the happily ever after ending was a bit too stale and predictable for me. I prefer the current film's endings, the touching goodbyes with Peggy and the 'man lost in time' epilogue.


3 reasons:

1) "Congratulations... Heil Hitler!!!" BANG!!!
2) Captain America steals car
3) Captain America steals car again


I was going to ask if there was ANYONE who actually thought this was better than The First Avenger, but decided against it, thinking the question was too ludicrous. I guess I underestimated the poor taste of some people.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.





Cap 1 was pants, TBF. 
