BUFFY Troped

Please check out the site TVTropes.org, a whimsical compendium of all the ways in which our movies, television, cartoons, comic books, plays, advertisements, and even the Internet itself reflect basic themes and ideas common throughout the entire history of the Western literary tradition. Only in the past year or so has it begun to generate buzz throughout the rest of cyberspace; occasionally you'll see references to it on YouTube and such.

It was started by a group of British TV viewers who were fascinated by, among other things, the BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER TV series; before long, the original BUFFY movie (not to mention hundreds of other films, TV programs, etc.) also began to be analyzed for their adherence to Western literary conventions.

Check out the entries for the 1992 film. The list used to be a lot shorter, but I'd say I've personally added more than 50 percent of the entries on there now.
