Surprisingly 'dark'
When I first watched BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER three years ago (yes, I admit it, I'm often slow to catch up when it comes to movies), I wasn't really expecting anything but drivel. Moreover, since it was supposed to be a "comedy," I was expecting something unbearably and unrealistically schmaltzy.
Boy, was I wrong. BUFFY is unbearably and unrealistically UNschmaltzy.
Seriously, this is a pretty depressing film if you think about it. I know I was supposed to laugh much of the time, but I hardly did at all. L.A. in this movie comes off as a surreal, maddening, only SLIGHTLY funny corner of Hell. Even without the vampires, it would be, quite simply, a rotten place in which to live: snotty teenagers, clueless educators, parents who are downright neglectful, and sundry punks and riffraff roaming the streets. Only if you REALLY loved irony or enjoyed feeling superior to everyone around you would you want to live in this movie's world.
Plus, the story at the end turns out to be about a girl who loses everything she had cherished just a few months before, and is stuck in a thankless job for the rest of her life. If not for the "killing vampires" part, that would practically be the plot of an Italian neo-realist film.