I'm not even kidding.


So far, Joss Wheadon isn't involved.

This could be a disaster.

B.V.H Official Team Member


The Yahoo! News article makes it sound like Whedon wasn't the one who brought Biffy to fame. *beep* those bloody *beep*!

MADNESS as you know, is like GRAVITY. All it takes is a little..PUSH.
The Joker


I don't care if Wheadon is involved or not. I wasn't fan of the series. But I hear this is a reboot. Why? The movie isn't even that old. Why not just make a sequel and add parts of the series? (obvioulsy if Wheadon isn't involved, they don't want to give him any credit, so I guess any tv show elements are out). But reboots of movies or franchises that aren't very removed from the current culture are silly. And without Wheadon's input, what's the point in a remake of a movie that wasn't that popular ( or even that good, though I did have a crush on Kristy Swanson back then) until it became a series anyway if you're not gonna use the force that made it a hit??

And whose gonna be Buffy? Hilary Duff? Miley Cyrus? Clay Aiken?


Wheadon did the movie as well, did he not?

B.V.H Official Team Member


He wrote the screenplay but wasn't allowed any creative control. I don't think he's ever hidden his feelings about how the movie turned out. This whole "reboot" smacks of desperation by Kuzui.




the series served as a spin off of the movie. his point was that a new movie would have to ignore the series and its characters.


the series is not a spin off of the movie. its whedon's original vision. he doesn't associate it with the movie the way it turned out, but the movie as he would have made it, and as he wrote it, with the original ending.


Come(formerly coming) on guys, I mean it's funny maybe they could make fun of this Twilight *beep* mean I loves the 90s movie and didn't wanna watch the show b/c I liked the movie so much but I warmed up to the idea.

I don't want us to be bitter like the Trekkies, I don't see how you can revamp a movement like BtVS when it's only been a few years but it'll get these whiny ass, emo sparkly loving Twilight kids to be put in their place, I'll go see it.

Besides Kristy Swanson will always be 80/90s valley girl Buffy while SMG will always BUFFY, and I love and respect both ways they portrayed the character, I just hope whoever they choose isn't a flavor of the week...but an actress.


First, to comment on EmpressClaudia message. "Coming on guys?"

Second, I know we are in a recession right now which is the reason why there are so many remakes and reboots due to new ideas are too big of a financial risk right now, but this is ridiculous. They are remaking a very successful show that ended only six years ago and excluding the man that made it great. It seems that they are working backwards due to the main reason why the movie wasn't successful and the show was was due to Whedon's contribution. Take a note from the Star Trek franchise and add on to the universe. Create a character that is more socially up-to-date since Buffy is a 90's character reflecting the valley girl culture which is why the show went down hill around 2001. The show created more than enough ideas to flourish on from the potential slayers from season 7, demon hunters from season one, watchers from the proposed Ripper spin-off, and witches.


I can see where your coming from...and thank you for responding so I can change my spelling errors.

And I realize that the only reason why studios want to remake or reboot Buffy is because it's an already successful vampire genre and now with Vampires being the new "it" thing they want to captilize on something that's already a proven success.

Still I'm going to give it a chance, ya know until I see the cast is.

I still agree that it's BS not to involve Joss Whedon in it tho, reminds me of the movies they based of Anne Rice's novels w/o her doing the screenplay....they were horrid.


I heard that Anne Rice had a LOT of input into the movies (at least the first one).


Yeah the first one, not the horrible "sequel" that was Queen of the Damned....she had little to no say from some interviews with her after the movie bombed.


She shouldn't be proud of her say in the first movie. It may have worked at the box office but - personally speaking - she did her book a large disfavor by casting big name stars, and poorly cast big name stars at that.


[[[ And I realize that the only reason why studios want to remake or reboot Buffy is because it's an already successful vampire genre and now with Vampires being the new "it" thing they want to captilize on something that's already a proven success. ]]]

CBS is probably still kicking itself in the a$$ for cancelling Moonlight.





First of all, Buffy IS a whedon character. He invented her and he should be in charge of everything!

Second, after 7 seasons and countless fans of the show they cannot make a reboot. A remake of such a crappy movie that wasn't even intended to be what it ended up being is a disaster! and should never happen!

God I hate *beep* hollywood and their *beep*

F U C. K I N I M D B F O R C E N S O R I N G

S H I T < 3



Sadly history has proven that while Whedon is a superior writer in the theatrical world (or even in television in the last decade) is his name bankable. And releasing a movie that would require 250+ hours prior knowledge vs. a new reboot movie for all those casual fans to go see? Sadly "the New Buffy" will be honestly cheaper to make and bring in a bigger box-office.


As much as I think the 1992 movie was fun, I must say that I am flabbergasted by the idea of a remake. I honestly don't have a clue how Twentieth Century Fox is going to approach it. Will Buffy be transformed into a "gritty," 21st-century version of herself, like Batman and James Bond were this past decade? While that could be interesting, there's a part of me that hopes that will NEVER happen.

And why won't the TV series even be acknowledged? The TV show was INFINITELY more popular. If you said "Buffy" prior to 1997, you'd get a blank stare from most people; afterward, you couldn't turn around without seeing someone who had at least token knowledge of the character. Sarah Michelle Gellar was who truly made Buffy a cultural icon. To ignore her contribution is box-office suicide.

The only way I could see this new idea working is if they made the BUFFY reboot a "time-travel" fantasy that attempted to set right all the discrepancies between the movie, the TV show, and the comic books. Buffy, like Marty McFly in BACK TO THE FUTURE, could have a huge trans-temporal adventure in which there would be three of her: present-day Buffy (Gellar); middle-aged, future Buffy (Kristy Swanson); and the young Buffy we originally saw in the film (some new, young actress). It would be cool to have phantasmagoric flashbacks to the TV series and the original film, like the one in the recent RAMBO sequel with Sylvester Stallone. Sadly, I doubt the filmmakers are going in that direction.

Besides, I think the vampire fad may have already run its course. This month marks the video release of TRANSYLMANIA, a horror-comedy obviously inspired by the 1992 BUFFY (as the video cover box makes clear) that, so I've heard, had one of the worst theatrical runs in Hollywood history (only one week!) when it was released last December. If Hollywood insists on making more vampire flicks, why not continue to cash in on Marvel Comics' "Blade" character? He's a good deal more interesting as a character than Buffy (although I think Wesley Snipes might be in jail right now, or something....).


I could see a movie working if Whedon had control.

I wanted explaination of what happened at the end of the first move (she goes off on a motor cycle). Then somehow she ends up in a California suburb.

Big gap in time.

Where did Pike end up?
