That Yellow Leather Jacket...

I still want this!!

18 years later! I so wish I knew where I could find a yellow mustard color bomber jacket like in this movie. I have done numerous searches on the web for it.

Anyone own anything like it...? Or have the same obsession for this piece of wardrobe??


Yes, definitely. I was just watching this movie last night & thought the same thing. And it would go perfect with the yellow shoes she wore in that scene too. haha


I have a yellow jacket just like that! I hadn't seen the movie in years, and I nearly fainted when I watched it again recently. Some of the details are a little different, but the resemblance is amazing.

I got the jacket at Neiman Marcus a couple of years ago. It's absolutely great, and it wasn't insanely expensive. You might be able to find it in one of their catalogues.


Neiman Marcus still sells that type of jacket, just different colors. But the prices ARE insane for anyone who's on a budget.
"Time will see us realign"


Only if you have a nice, short, snug, leather miniskirt to go with your Nieman Marcus yellow leather jacket.


As a matter of fact, I do!


I still want it, too! I miss early 90s clothes. I was a kid then, but I worshipped teenagers and wanted to wear their clothes (I thought Kelly Taylor was a fashion guru) and I thought Buffy had major style

"This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."


OMG! I thought the same thing when I was eight and saw this movie for the first time! I was obsessed with that jacket and wanted one like it.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good"


It was probably fairly cheap even in 1991-1992 (in the movie Kimberley claims that it's "retro," which implies that it was a castoff of some kind), so I wouldn't be surprised if today it would be a bargain for any income.

I really miss comedies and kids' movies of the past, in which characters were not afraid to show their quirkiness and wore colorful outfits that were guaranteed to turn heads. But the costumes in BUFFY sometimes look outlandish even for the early '90s (paisley bicycle shorts?)!


She said it was retro because she had originally told Buffy that it was "so five minutes ago".


Uhmmmm, I think you missed the joke. Kimberly refers to the jacket as retro as a way of excusing herself for manipulating Buffy out of buying it. Kim wanted it for herself and so insulted it, then went back and bought it.

The Valley Girl depictions in the movie tend to be mean spirited. The girl's friendships are tentative and a little dangerous.

