The Movie is Much Better than the Show!!!
Am I the only one who prefers the movie over the show?
I also prefer Kristy Swanson over Sarah Michelle Gellar any day.
First off the movie was a comedy and it poked fun out of all the stuck up valley girl types and even the vampires were goofy and comical despite being a legitimate threat. I think this works much better. There were suspenseful moments and thriller moments as well just enough to keep the audience entertained in a comedy.
Finally Swanson is way hotter and more athletic and believable as a vampire slayer than Sarah ever was.
Swanson seems much taller about the same height as most of the vampires and she had a good body frame to appear as if she really could master martial arts, gymnastics, and over all vampire slaying.
The show on the other hand tried to be all serious and dramatic and scary which to me as a man could never take seriously. The vampires just didn't seem menacing enough or scary enough for me on the show, where again in the movie they were a bit goofy and did not take themselves all that seriously.
Sarah just was too physically small and not really convincing as a bad ass or even athletic chick like Swanson pulled off in the movie.
Whenever they showed Sarah acting all tough it just irritated me on how fake her whole performance was and she tried so hard to be this wannabe bad ass that never was realistic.
I'm not sure if Swanson ever had the offer to do the show or not, but if she did they should have definitely kept her for the show and kept it closer to the movie.