Alleged Original Script Ending?
So, I have read endless times that in the original script's ending that Buffy burned down the gym. Referenced several times in the television series, when finally reading the "original script" online, I was expecting her to burn down the gym. However, when I got to the last few pages there was no event. The script, itself, had numerous differences implying that it was an earlier script. Merrick had his "watcher" speech instead of "reborn again and again" speech. Buffy's additional past life as a Chinese prostitute. Merrick shot himself instead of being stabbed by Lothos. Everything that has been mentioned as different in the original script. Except for the gym burning down. Which was the big event (besides the relationship with Donald Sutherland) that I've read Joss Whedon found problematic.
Speaking of the relationship, most of Merrick's lines in this original script were pretty much what ended up on film. So, I am not sure what Sutherland changed exactly. Other than the omission of the Watcher speech.
So, I know a bunch of you are fans of the series and Joss Whedon and I am hoping someone can clear the omission of the gym burning from this original script online. Especially because I have perceived that it has always been a big deal that the series constantly mentioned Buffy burning the gym down. And the answer has always been: Well, it was in the original script. Yet, it was still missing.