so i'm a big fan of the movie but have never actually watched the tv show. I was just wondering if people who like the movie usually like the show. basically, for someone who likes the movie is it worth watching or will it just ruin everything?
OH YES. The show is so much better than the movie. I am a fan of both and probably one of the few fans of the show that actually likes the movie. The movie is pretty bad but it is funny. The show is much more I guess I would say significant and really explores deeper things on a different level while being smart and funny. The show takes place after the events of the movie according to Joss Whedon's original script so the continuity is a little off form the movie directly. If you like the movie the show will surpass your expectations.
The show is way better than the movie, but if your expecting the show to follow directly in the movies footsteps, it might take some getting use to. The show is definitely worth watching though.
Deputy: So, fake US Marshall, fake credit cards. You got anything that's real? Dean: My boobs...
i felt the show was inferior to the movie. the reason for this for this was the story itself. they just kept bringing people back form the dead and making characters "super" strong for no reason. but the movie was well worth it.
The television series was a deeply emotional investment by everyone invovled in it. The thing to remember is that the film was a terribly corrupted work of Joss' vision. He walked off the set, and never came back. He despises the film.
The TV series is his pure vision. It's filled with many, many fleshed out characters, relationships, and storylines. The action is great, amazing at times. Granted, the first season is quite rough around the edges, but season two gets exponentially better starting with "School Hard" (the arrival of the vampire couple Spike & Drusilla), and season three kicks the production values up highly (the show is then shot in 32mm instead of 16mm, reducing the grainy look). The writing is some of the best to ever hit TV. Joss and his creative staff have a wonderful talent of combining humor, emotion, character, and action in a cohesive formula, but the show is not predictable. It was fresh for its time, and remains unique and exciting to this day. Beyond anything else, the main and recurring cast members are exceptional. You watch this show long enough, fall in love with it, and you develop real feelings for these characters. By the end of season seven, you're kind of heartbroken seeing the series come to an end. I didn't see the show in first runs, and didn't begin watching Angel until the final season. But Buffy & Angel are two of my very favorites shows, ever. Wish I had been there from the start. I own all seven seasons of Buffy and all five of Angel on DVD now. I recommend giving these series a serious chance. Again, season one of Buffy is rocky with some subpar guest cast acting, but tough through it. It'll be worth it.
The show and movie are completely different. The movie is comedy whereas the show is drama.
I enjoyed the movie but was never a die hard fan of it. When the TV show came out I was addicted to it, never missed an episode. Could have been becuase I was in love with Sarah Michelle Gellar at the time (I was in 7th grade).
Anyways, I loved the show at first but about 4 seasons in it started getting stale for me, I couldnt muster the will to watch it anymore.
The show isn't a total drama. It is a comedy, drama, horror,'s a television show. Of course things are going to get dramatic once in a while. Also, isn't Merrick's death taken pretty seriously in the film? I haven't seen it in years so I'm not sure.
-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
The movie feels like crap compare to the series. Some people actually enjoy the film a lot more than the series, simply because they would rather only spend less than 2 hours on the concept than all of the hours of the TV series.
The TV series is more broad and gets deeper into learning who Buffy is and who she becomes. Since the series has more time to work on this rather than a film. Personally I liked the series a lot more. You get to see the man faces of Buffy and understand what she's going through and really step behind her character.
I watched the movie when it first came out and had wanted a series for so long that I like both for different reasons.
I'm willing to excuse the horrible special effects in the movie and Buffy's regression in grade level on the TV show...etc to have had this dream realized. I had been estatic when I found out a weekly series was going to be created.
The first three seasons of Buffy the tv series (if you have not purchased them already) are the best). And her past at Hemery is even referenced throughout these seasons, with a former classmate coming to Sunnydale.
I've warmed up to movie over the years, accepting it as the campy, 80's farce that it is (even though it was released in '92!) but the TV show is miles better. I remember NOT watching the show when it first came out because I thought it would be like the movie. Needless to say I was very pleasantly surprised by what I saw.
I love both but as separate entities. The movie is quirky and fun, and screams nineties. It has the baseline for the whole series, and doesn't try too hard. The series in my opinion is way better, but it doesn't mean I don't like both. The series has better acting, better storylines and as it progressed became a quality show. Yet it still kept the quirkiness established in the film and the fun.
"The best way to keep a guy at least ten feet away? Dry heave. Vomit is the new mace." Veronica