Convoluted narrative...

Typically , I don't mind films that jump around a bit, and this one has some great moments and a very high production value, but overall, this film just continues to underwhelm me every time I attempt to watch it. This was the first time I've been able to sit down and watch it, from start to finish, and the most I can muster, rating wise, is a 6 out of 10. Great cast, great atmosphere and promising story, but overall, it just wasn't executed well in the narrative...

What say you about this version of Dracula???

Oh I travel, a sort of licenced troubleshooter.


I have never been able to sit and watch this movie from beginning to end without stopping it several times throughout. The costume and set designs are really impressive, but I agree that the narrative is not very engaging.


The switching perspective narration from journals and letters is how the novel was originally written. It was a popular literary style in the nineteenth century. It's called Epistolary. And this is as close as you can get to that on film. I saw the film when it first came out. I was only ten. It did not confuse me.


It was a popular literary style in the nineteenth century. It's called Epistolary.

Thanks for sharing! I have seen other films done in a similar manner, but I still feel this one was done a bit poorly.

I was only ten. It did not confuse me.

That's cool, I did not find it confusing either, I just wish it had a bit more punch to keep me interested.

Oh I travel, a sort of licenced troubleshooter.


I find it not so much convoluted, but hard to hear and comprehend. The accents, the languages (why weren't there subtitles?) and the decibels and rapidity of the dialogue make it difficult for me to follow. Closed Captioning helped though.


The movie would have been better if somehow the Frankenstein Monster was in it too
