Eddie's character

I love this movie, but I have a question. Did Eddie's character work at an actual advertising agency, or in the marketing/advertising department of a cosmetics corporation? I always thought it was the latter.


Yes, it was the latter. It's shame this movie is rated so low. I remember what a wonderful experience it was to see it in the theater in 1992. It deserves so much more than a 5.0.


I hate to say it but you look at mediocre white movies are rated higher than most black movies. I'm almost tired of coming on here complaining about this issue.

But hell, I'm an actor trying to see what people say about various parts, so beggers can't be choosy huh?

Phony doctors? Helllloooo...



Funny ass movie!!!
I miss the old, cool Eddie Murphy.

Something wrong with her man, Or something wrong with da TWIIZAAAAT!!!!!


This movie is great. I don't know if it has anything to do with white and black though. I'm white, but that has nothing to do with how I viewed this movie. I just think that people rate movies on here bad or good for no reason whatsoever. Or, they just listen to what other people think. Or, being that it was made a few years ago, some younger people might think it's outdated instead of seeing it for what it is, a good movie.

The message was great, the actors were chosen perfectly for their characters, and the soundtrack is awesome.
