Marcus' place sucks

The layout is terrible. The bedroom is in the living room on a platform or something? You could never have guests at that place. There would be no privacy.


It's the confidence factor that makes his apt so cool. A narcissist like Marcus needs no privacy!


A narcissist like Marcus needs no privacy!


Well said! You nailed it.


Privacy? That's a bachelor pad. Get 'em in, do yo thang, get 'em out.

-That's all the time we have, thanks for playing.


I like his place. I agree, it's a bachelor pad and it suits him. I don't think he's concerned too much with privacy, especially since you can see right in his place from the outside, and his crazy neighbor can hang over the fence and see what's going on.

my name is not Chloe!


The movie was made in 1992, that was the style at the time. He also lived in Tribeca (I only know this because I worked at the World Financial Center where Strange' makes her entrance, they filmed all around the area). In Tribeca most of the apartments were lofts. and a lot of beds were on high platforms.

The bedroom was in one area and the living room was in another...
