That woman's feet

Why did Marcus (Eddie Murphy) leave that woman after seeing her feet?


Marcus was a very shallow man. A "dog". And her feet weren't very pretty,lol. So therefore, he left.



Boomerang is a very important movie and ahead of its time. A womens feet should allways look beautifuul. Theres nothing more triffling and nasty than a women with chipped toe nail polish, ashy toes, and corns and bunyons. So ladies. take this as a footnote.

Step in style or dont step out at all.


That's why people are so shallow now, because of that stupid scene, don't get me wrong, I understand guys like women who take care of their dogs and all, however, U should not discriminate because a chick has corns on her feet, if U ask me, corns & bunions give a woman's feet some character, especially if she keeps them polished, that is only because my mother had them, and that taught me not to be so superficial towards other women who had them, and that scene was so phony, if it were that serious, he should've been checking for that when they began getting it on, why wait until after the fact, and pull back the covers when that should have been first priority? What is trifling is a guy who thinks like Marcus "The Metrosexual" Graham. Look at Eddie now, picking up trannies with nice looking feet.


That is absolutely disgusting!! Not only Christie's feet, but Marcus' behavior is even more so. You can always tell when someone has corns and bunions on their feet without them taking off their shoes and socks. If the shoe looks weird, then you know. Marcus just wanted to get laid!! And it is very mean and hurtful to leave a woman in bed naked and alone just because she has ugly feet. At least have the decency to stay the night!!!


She had "hammer time going on in her shoes"

I love this line, makes me laugh every time!!!

Shallow guy, looking for physical perfection. The woman had bad feet so didn't warrant further efforts.

"Never rub another mans rhubarb..."


So ladies. take this as a footnote.

"If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me."


Her feet were, according to Marcus, "jacked up."



because a woman that doesn't take care of her feet, often doesn't take care of HERSELF. A lot of men, myself included, find women's feet to be as attractive as I do the rest of her. So if a woman's feet aren't pedicured and soft, then I don't want to have anything to do with them.


Lela Rochon doesn't have *Hammer Time* for real. I've seen her real feet in an interview she did and they actually look nice. litatrish2.jpg


Eddie Murphy has a foot fetish in real life too...he loves drag queen in really high heels!


because a woman that doesn't take care of her feet, often doesn't take care of HERSELF. A lot of men, myself included, find women's feet to be as attractive as I do the rest of her. So if a woman's feet aren't pedicured and soft, then I don't want to have anything to do with them.

Great post. I live by that credo as a foot lover to women.


I remember watching that scene when I was 7 years old... now that I'm nearly 24, I have a habit of taking care of my feet, not wearing painful shoes, getting pedicures, and my feet look good. No corns or bunions. I do agree that taking care of feet matter. They are still a part of your body, you know.


Because her feet were ugly. I also think her being an airhead didn't help either.

I personally can't have a long, lasting relationship with a woman with ugly feet. I heard a doctor say on the Oprah Winfrey show that a woman's feet are a reflection of her health. So, one of you previous posters said it best. If her feet are ugly then she isn't taking good care of herself overall.

Now some women have naturally ugly feet, and now matter how much they try to take care of them, they will always look ugly. The big bunions, the second toe being longer than the big toe, flat footed and thinning soles. I read recently when doctors shared their assurance of fleshy soles having something to do with good health, something to do with diabetes. I just think it looks really sexy on a woman, fleshy soles. Like for instance, Oprah Winfrey takes good care of her feet but they are naturally ugly. There isn't a thing she can do about it.

I want to take this time to applaud the women with naturally beautiful feet. Even when they don't get the pedicures, their feet look sexy. I love it.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


Oprah has no excuse for having jacked up feet. She has huge bunions on both of her feet. She has more than enough money to have that corrected.

I have a thing about feet and I am a woman. My feet are perfectly groomed at all times. I feel that men should keep their feet groomed as well.

Nothing worse than seeing crusty man or women feet. Scariest toes in a movie - Uma Thurman - Kill Bill Volume 1 - "Wiggle your big toe..." But then again we know that Tarantino has a thing for feet regardless of how they look.

Murphy as well - Picking up Trannies on the Boulevard because he likes the way their feet look.

