Females, answer this question for me please.
The first date they had, where they couldn't decide what take-out to order.
So, watching that scene made me think about how lame and potentially creepy Gerard behaved.
"So... dinner, here, next week? Followed by hot butt naked sex?"
I realize that he was joking when he said it... but I believe that every woman would see through such a thinly-veiled ploy (joking about it while being dead serious). Is it me, or wouldn't that come across as entirely inappropriate and creepy on a first date? I'm cool with it, and I'm about as laid back as it comes, but I am just curious whether women would find that as grounds to void the second date.
Then there's the 5-4-3-2-1 kiss thing. Totally lame and I can't see anyone ever doing it that way in real life. Also, grounds to void a second date. Only a total nancy would use that as a mechanism to kiss a girl on the first date (regardless of whether he or she suggested it.)