Marcus cheated on Angela w/ Jacqueline?
I put a question mark in there because we never really saw it, strangely but did see the aftermath. I remember I was only sort of paying attention at that point but I recall Jackie making a flirtatious remark to Marcus (clearly either wanting to prove she can have him even when he's with another woman, or is attracted by his new confidence because he's happy with Angela) and then the scene fades out and he comes in late at night and thinks he gets away with sneaking into bed with Angela. In the morning she is really pissed off at him and breaks it off but somewhere in there I missed that him coming in late clearly meant that he'd done it with Jackie again. Don't understand why in a film in which little was left unsaid, (2 hour running time is a lot for a comedy) why there was not a scene clarifying this act, which drives the rest of the film.
Any one else's thoughts?